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母性会怎么样?How about maternal instincts?

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但Paige母性的直觉向她发出了警报。But Paige's mothering instinct was on the alert.

我的情人是一只温柔的梅花鹿,一匹母性的梅花鹿。My sweetheart is a gentle sika, a maternal sika.

原因更多的是关于女性倾向和母性。It's mostly about female preference and motherhood.

浪漫的爱情和母性被多情地理想化了。Romantic love and motherhood are sentimentally idealized.

跳跳虎一定有很强烈的母性,哎,父性本能。Tigger must have a strong maternal , er, paternal instinct.

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如果你对自己的丈夫有母性的倾向,那你并不孤单。If you have a tendency to mother your husband, you’re not alone.

总之,母性本能是美好的,但它有其局限性。In short, maternal instinct is wonderful, but it has its limits.

霍恩的公诉人比较机敏。难道这还不够吗?为什么要把她“母性化”呢?Hone's prosecutor is smart. Isn't that enough? Why motherize’her?

我没有想要孩子的意愿,没有母性的或父性的本能。I have no desire to have a child, no maternal or paternal instinct.

女人不管再贤惠有母性,但骨子里都是一个孩子。Whether there is another woman Xian-hui motherhood, but what is a child.

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玛莉娜雷依是全球知名的「原住民长笛的母性之声」。Marina Raye is world-renowned as the "Feminine Voice of the Native Flute".

此后,母性成为我们所面对的最具争议性的问题。And with it, mothering has become one of the most contentious issues around.

想吐,妇女们的“母性本能”就一定能提振日本经济了吗?Oh, barf, Women's "motherly instinct"is going to boost the Japanese economy?

他们认为,海豚触发了座头鲸母性的防御机制。They believe the seal triggered a maternal defence mechanism in the humpbacks.

坦率地谈论母性可能带来意想不到的忧伤和痛苦。Talking about motherhood openly can bring unheralded amounts of grief and pain.

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若破坏母鼠的扣带皮质,将消除其母性行为。Damaging the cingulate cortex in mother rats eliminates their maternal behavior.

随着父亲角色的母性化,成千上万的男人们开始有了同样的体验。As fatherhood gradually becomes feminised, millions of men are experiencing this.

我知道她在精神医生指导下带着母性做这些事。I understand she is working on this part of her motherhood with her psychiatrist.