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澳大利亚因斯布鲁克的一个滑雪跳台。A ski jump in Innsbruck, Austria.

你尝试过跳台跳水吗?Did you ever try platform diving?

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认知功能测验采用跳台法。Using step down test tested the cognitive function.

如果你认为最后两个跳台非常困难,那么来试试这个。If you thought the last two were hard, try this one.

体力测定采用爬绳法或爬杆法,记忆力测定采用跳台法。Use rope or pole climbing time to measure the stamina of mice.

方法采用小鼠跳台法、大鼠Y迷路法。Methods Stepdown test of mice and Y maze of rats were observed.

这是惊人的,因为我主要只是进行了跳台训练。This was surprising because I had trained mostly on the platform.

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在90.5米高处,还为热衷冒险的游客们准备了蹦极跳台。At level 90.5, a bungee platform is available for adventurous visitors.

此前,他保持的纪录是从10米高跳台跳入30厘米的深水池中。Taylor's previous record was jumping from a 10m height into 30cm of water.

从跳台或跳板上起跳,进入深小池。Launching your body from a platform or springboard into a deep pool of water.

1908年在伦敦举行的奥运会上,跳水池的长度为100米,跳台也是可以活动的。At the 1908 Games in London, the pool was 100m long and the diving tower was removable.

我正本以为即日我确定会鼓足了勇气从游泳池那个十米高的跳台上跳上去。Today I was sure I could work up my courage and dive off the ten meter feelllyoard by the pool.

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方法以东茛菪碱和亚硝酸钠造成小鼠记忆缺失模型,跳台法进行行为检测。Method Step down test and animal models of dysmnesia induced by scopolamine and NaNO 2 were used.

女子跳水10米跳台预赛将在今天下午举行。The preliminary competition for the women's 10-meter platform diving will be held this afternoon.

这对新人在10米跳台上举行了简单的婚礼仪式后,便在水下交换了戒指。After a simple wedding ceremony on the 10-meter platform, the couple exchanged rings in the water.

我们公司主要生产宠物窝、宠物垫和宠物房子、狗衣服、猫跳台、宠物玩具等。Our factory mainly produces Pet Beds, Pet Cushion and House, Dog clothes, Cat scratch trees, Pet Toys.

在跳台上也装有感应器,以监督起跳动作和游泳接力比赛中交接棒是否规范。Sensors are also used on the starting platforms to monitor false starts and correct relay changeovers.

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正在建设中,挪威奥斯陆,在新的霍尔门科伦滑雪跳台设计的花旗集团将JDS建筑师。Construction is underway in Oslo , Norway, on the new Holmenkollen ski jump designed by JDS Architects.

雷尼尔三世游泳馆拥有奥运会规模的游泳池,有一个高跳台。The Rainier III Nautical Stadium is a recreational Olympic-sized swimming pool with a high diving board.

但在越野与跳台混合滑雪世界杯巡回赛上,着两个人把美国领向全新的崭露。But on the nordic skiing World Cup circuit, the 2 men have brought the United States to a new prominence.