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从己方套牌里搜索一张基本神奇宝贝卡并将它置于己方后备区。Search your deck for a Basic Pokémon and put it onto your Bench.

足球队支持者在己方球队失败后闹起事来。The football supporters ran riot after the defeat of their team.

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你的战位靠前时候,己方炮弹的射程就短了。If you are forward of your position, the artillery will fall short.

计时器上的时间一直在走,小马队从己方底线14码处开球。With the clock ticking, the Colts began from their own 14-yard line.

两家公司都认为世贸组织的最新裁定是己方获胜。Both companies claimed that the WTO's latest ruling bolstered their case.

请按自己方请求治办保险,自己方等待你方地装船通知。Please do rule our request insurance, we wait for your shipment notification.

印度在己方一侧修建飞机降落场又怎么样?What about the case when India made an advanced landing ground on Indian side?

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基于电子邮件的传送运作原理,LGS只能确保己方已经寄出。Based on the email transmit protocols, LGS could only confirm the sending process.

像以往一样,两位领导人还是更明显地关注己方的立场。As usual, each leader saw his own position more clearly than he saw the other side.

在空旷地打断高价值目标履带,将使其容易受到己方火炮的炮击。Tracking high priority targets in the open will make them vulnerable to artillery fire.

虽然有武器,但它更适合在己方战线后面执行战场增援任务。Although armed, it is better suited for behind-friendly-lines battlefield replenishment.

写反驳文章一定要针对对方论据使用己方论据展开反驳,直接扣帽子的做法已经过时了。You need to present evidence to refute your opponent. The method of slapping labels is outdated.

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比如,先让己方士兵对某种病毒产生免疫力,然后用该病毒来攻击敌人,敌人会退却一阵子。E. g. one can make immune ones own soldiers against a certain virus and attack the enemy with it.

若盲目的自贬,只会给对方留下无能的印象,有损己方的面于,闪而可能导致一项协议的失败。The blind self-basement only impresses on others the speaker's incapability, which impairs his face.

激光干扰是对抗激光制导武器,保卫己方目标的重要方式。The technique of laser interference is important for resisting laser-guided weapons and self-defending.

基于电子邮件的传送运作原理,LGS只能确保己方已经寄出。Based on the basic principles of email transmission, LGS could only make sure that mails have been sent.

球迷们高喊着我的名字冲我加油,特别是在己方禁区内救险成功那次。I heard shouts from the public directed towards me, especially when I recovered a ball in our penalty area.

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它现在仍然能腐蚀那些被它杀掉的空军单位,但是这些被感染的单位不再能帮助己方了。It still infests any air unit it kills but the infested unit does not contribute to the tide of the air battle.

在历史上一次获得伟大胜利的海军战中,希腊军队击沉200艘敌船,己方只损失40艘。In one of the great naval victories of history, the Greeks sank 200 enemy ships while losing only 40 of their own.

利用己方重装甲坦克作掩护,以免被攻击,特别是在火力支援与对方重坦交火中德己方重坦时。Use more armored friendlies as cover to avoid fire , especially when supporting heavy tanks against enemy heavies.