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在此我有点缩减。Here I am abbreviating.

人们缩减劳动执行要求they undercut labor practices,

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地堡埋地时间缩减成6秒。Root time decreased from 12 to 6.

这个月你必须缩减开支。You must cut expenses this month.

准星缩减为一个点。The crosshair is reduced to a dot.

我们把它缩减的非常快。So it cuts it down quickly as we go along.

指向这儿,last指向这儿,So,in,this,case,,first,now,points,there,我缩减下空间。first last points there. And I cut around.

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我们要缩减非生产性开支。We should reduce non-productive expenditure.

把这段文字缩减成几个句子。Condense this paragraph into a few sentences.

如果可以缩减列表,应该尽量缩减。If you can narrow down this list, you should.

将借贷期限从90天的缩减到60天。Reduced credit period from 90 days to 60 days.

通过减少图片颜色,缩减图片尺寸。You can reduce image size by using less colors.

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他们设法缩减非生产性开支。They tried to keep down non-productive expenses.

那次停摆,赛季被缩减到50场比赛。That lockout shortened to the season to 50 games.

缩减税收和消费,私有化,接触管制。Cut taxes and spending, privatize, and deregulate.

最近几个月钢产量被缩减了。Steel production has been cut back in recent months.

关注供给而不像印度缩减需求。Focus is on supply & not curtailing demand like India.

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但明年,税收的增长将会弥补一半缩减的开支。But next year, tax rises will make up nearly half of it.

市长要求全市行政机关缩减开支。The mayor ordered a belt-tightening for all city offices.

“情景是缩减,”一位同仁说。"The picture is pretty cut-and-dried, " said one contact.