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但一旦她们发现笑话的妙处所在,则能从中得到更多的乐趣。however, they derive more pleasure from it.

每一个角落均有其妙处,足见主人的匠心独具。Every part shows the inventive mind of the owner.

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几年前我发现了超慢速阅读的妙处。I discovered the worth of super-slow reading years ago.

清晖园为广东四大名园之一,园中有其独到的妙处。Qinghui Garden is one of Guangdong's four famous classical gardens.

安猪整晚的表演以接到武贾西奇的另外一个妙处大力扣篮而结束。Bynum finished his night with another dunk off an assist from Vujacic.

弹性数据网格的妙处在于它以线性方式伸缩。The beauty of an elastic data grid is that it scales in a linear fashion.

但是夹竹桃的妙处还不止于此。Nevertheless, the wonder of oleander is not confined to its toughness alone.

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影片的妙处是,这些道理融在剧情中,不着痕迹,没有说教。The beauty of film, dissolved in the story of these things, not trace, no sermon.

但一旦她们发现笑话的妙处所在,则能从中得到更多的乐趣。When a joke does hit the right note , however, they derive more pleasure from it.

这种干烙葱油饼有一大妙处,那就是可以放凉了吃。Green onion pancake that a large dry branded beauty that you can let cool and eat.

蜂鸟轻盈、敏捷、灵活、优雅羽毛绚丽等一切妙处。Lightness, rapidity, nimbleness, grace and rich apparel all belong to the humming-bird.

他向她讲解那音乐的妙处,可是这无异于对牛弹琴。He explained the beauty of the music to his wife but it was casting pearls before swine.

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这个宠儿具有轻盈、敏捷、灵活、优雅以及羽毛绚丽等一切妙处。Lightness, rapidity, nimbleness, grace, and rich apparel all belong to this little favorite.

这种处理方法的妙处在于能分拣出你需要的样式。The beauty of the approach is the ability to selectively include only the styles that you need.

不甚酒力,体会不了酒的美味,但却能感受知已的妙处。Not very has no head for wine, realize the delicious not wine, but can feel know already beauty.

不甚酒力,体会不了酒的美味,但却能感受知已的妙处。Not a good drinker, realize what the wine of delicious, but it can feel the beauty of know already.

旅行的妙处之一,就是可以催生有趣的偶遇和新鲜的视角。One great thing about travel is that it can yield interesting new encounters and fresh perspectives.

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当然,内部云的妙处在于它更多地提供了对于应用和数据控制。The beauty of internal clouds, of course, is that they offer more control over applications and data.

您不妨进去看一看,体验一下其中的妙处,定会相见恨晚!You can enter the cnmedu. com to experience the wonderful, where u will regret having not met sooner!

清晖园为广东四大名园之一,园中有其独到的妙处。Qinghui Garden is one of Guangdong's four famous classical gardens. The garden was designed ingeniously.