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一顶视图的拖拉机。A top view of the tractor.

一顶视图的直升机。A top view of the helicopter.

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旧风格的顶视图和快速的玩足球游戏。Five a side football game with top view.

时尚女性家庭办公室工作区顶视图。Fashion feminine home office workspace top view.

接下来使用镜像工具,并选择X轴与顶视图。Next use Mirror Tool, then use X Asix Mode and Top.

首先,我切断我的顶视图和侧视图的船帆。First, I cut out my top view and side view of the sail.

这个数字确定了顶视图的第二层。This number identifies the top view of the second layer.

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你将在顶视图中看到两层粒子。You should see the double particles in the Top viewport like this.

现在切换到顶视图,复制刚才的灯光然后在X方向上镜像。Now change to top view , copy the light and mirror it to the X axle.

在图片12左边是一个方面的意见,并右侧是一个顶视图。In picture 12 the left side is a front view and the right side is a top view.

这是植被、石头、树枝等布置在环境中的顶视图。Here's a top-view of the plants, stones, branches etc, as placed in the scene.

南部台阶的顶视图揭示了这些踏步对于地形的尊重。An overhead view of the south stairs reveals the deference of the stairway to the topography.

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在顶视图中,创建一个目标平行灯,从侧面照亮云层隧道。In the top viewport, create a Target Direct light that lights the cloud tunnel from the side.

船首斜桅的顶视图和斜桁帆桁滑轮,方便装配帆和索具。Spritsail Yard top view of the bowsprit and spritsail yard blocks, almost ready to be rigged.

我从一顶视图快照,然后引起了我的位图在网络上找到了一个在Photoshop地图。I took a snapshot from a top view and then drew a map in Photoshop from the bitmaps I found on the net.

在顶视图中创建一个目标平行光,这样它从后方照亮了茶壶,将它的目标点放到茶壶的中心。Create a Target Direct light in the top viewport, so it lights the teapot from behind, and place the target in the center of the teapot.

接下来,如果你将顶视图和右侧视图向前翻折的话,你就会得到一个能够显示该物体三视图的正交正投影。Next, if you could fold the top and right-side views forward, you would have an orthographic projection showing three views of the object.

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小地图允许你在顶视图预览你的世界,并且通过拖拽各个关卡来设定他们的位置。This map allows you to preview your world from the top and arrange the position of levels by dragging them. When dragging levels, they will snap to the edges of other levels.