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带上你们的救生衣。Take lifejackets with you.

她的救生衣未能充气胀起。Her life jacket failed to inflate.

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在坐船的时候,你必须穿上救生衣。On a boat you must wear a lifejacket.

唐的救生衣未能充气膨胀。Don's lifejacket had failed to inflate.

汤姆的救生衣未能充气。Tom's lifejacket had failed to inflate.

所有4消防队员人仔有救生衣!All 4 firefighter minifigures have life jackets!

救生衣使他保持浮在水面直到小船来救他。The life preserver kept him up until the boat came.

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在圆井甲板面下面工作时须穿工作救生衣。Wear work vests when working below the cellar deck.

一个人怎能跳下救生衣呢?How could one throw oneself overboard a life-jacket ?

大副房间的救生衣哨子丢失。The lifejacket whistle in Chief Mate's cabin missing.

赖特和萨瓦那轮流把救生衣借给盖伊穿。Wright and Savana took turns lending him their vests.

猛拽绳扣使你的救生衣充气。Inflate your life jacket by pulling sharply on the cord.

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舷外或高空作业要穿救生衣。Life jacket must be worn when working outboard or overhead.

舷外或高空作业要穿救生衣。Life jacket must he worn when working outboard or overhead.

根据指示你可以在船上找到救生衣。Also for your information you will find lifejackets on board.

船员演示正确穿着救生衣。Crew demonstrating proper donning and wearing of lifejackets.

科里就这样脱下了救生衣,以燕式跳水的姿势扎入水中。He took off his life jacket and just swan-dived into the sea.

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口哨最好带上并绑在救生衣上。A whistle is best carried on a lanyard attached to your life vest.

推荐将本手册置于飞行员的救生衣内。Recommend inclusion of this manual in the aviator's survival vest.

救生衣卷了起来,当她打开的时候,六个安全套却掉了出来。It was rolled up and as she opened it half-a-dozen condoms fell out.