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而这,才是这正神的旨意。And that is truly divine.

设若这就是大自然的神圣的旨意。If such be Nature's holy plan.

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我愿你的旨意成就在我的生命里。I want Your will done in my life.

保罗说这是耶稣的旨意。Paul says that's a command from Jesus.

别打算反抗我的旨意"You'd better listen to what I'm doing."

在天国里,神的旨意能完全行出来。In heaven, God’s will is done perfectly.

皇帝旨意如此,故必须照办。The emperor wills it, so it must be done.

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其次,保罗“奉神旨意”伺奉。Paul also serves 'through the will of God.

没有叶子会违背我的旨意飘落。Without my blessing, not a leaf will fall.

倒下吧,比尔道顿,那必然是上帝的旨意。Go down, Bill Dalton, it must be God's will.

上帝的旨意很简单,就是要我们敬拜他,事奉他。His will for you is to worship and serve Him.

上帝以他的旨意处置万物。God disposes all things according to His will.

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还记录了一些先知传达的旨意。There are records of the messages of prophets.

上帝有旨意要我们在世上如明光照耀。God desires us to shine as lights in the world.

你渴想知道主的旨意!Thou longest much to know thy dear Lord's will!

你愿意在你的世代服事神的旨意吗?Will you serve God's purpose in your generation?

他想让我们在生活中明白他的旨意。He wants us to understand his will for our lives.

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没有人知道神隐而未现的旨意。No one can know God's hidden and unrevealed will.

按照神的旨意唤醒世界伟大的地区。In awakening the worlds great regions to Gods will.

因为太阳神阿波罗的旨意,人们建立了神示所Because there the god Apollo had established an oracle.