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她的名字是玛格丽特•海岭。Her name was Margaret Herring.

接著,海岭的心跳减慢。Then Herring's heartbeat slowed.

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海岭闭上眼睛。她又一次失去了意识。Herring closed her eyes. Once more, she was unconscious.

当氧气输入海岭的肺部时,她的脸色渐趋正常。As oxygen flooded into Herring's lungs, her color returned.

在抢捄室,他立即看到了海岭的制服。In the emergency room he immediately noticed Herring's uniform.

尽管云云,海岭还是记不起义故的细节。Even so, Herring still could not recall any details of the accident.

突然,海岭的眼睛睁开了。“我的头疼得厉害,”她低声说。Suddenly Herring's eyes opened. "My head hurts so bad, " she murmured.

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甚至来不及在海岭的脑部做一个进行外科手术的通道。There wasn't even time for making a surgical entry into Herring's brain.

当海岭被推往手术室的时候,她的血压突然上升了。As Herring was wheeled toward the operating room, her blood pressure suddenly rose.

这块石头落在公路上弹跳起来,直接蹦到海岭那辆1991本田雅阁的去路上。It bounced high off the pavement, directly into the path of her blue 1991 Honda Accord.

玛格丽特•海岭颅骨的左半边看起来像被锤子压扁的土豆片。THE LEFT SIDE of Margaret Herring's skull looked like a potato chip crushed by a hammer.

科科伦看著海岭。此刻,她的脸色渐渐变成灰蓝。我们要失去她了,他想。Corcoran looked at Herring. Now she was turning grayish-blue. We've losing her, he thought.

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在移动海岭之前,冈萨雷斯用颈环把她的头部、脖子和脊柱固定住。Before moving Herring, Gonzales immobilized her head, neck and spine with a cervical collar.

当他们把海岭抬到托板上的时候,她开始大脑失控地挥动著手脚乱踢乱打。As they lifted Herring onto the board, though, she again became combative, flailing her arms and legs.

海岭、海台呈块状分布在海盆之上,长垣分布在菲律宾海沟的东侧。Some uplifts developed at the bottom and long hills developed at the east side of the Philippine Trench.

冈萨雷斯用无线电叫捄护车,自己趟进高高的草丛,朝海岭的汽车走去。Gonzalez radioed for an ambulance, Ugg Lo Pro Button, then waded through the tall grass toward Herring's car.

他用随身带的小刀割断海岭的安全带,把她的座位向后倒,并用手抱持住她的头和脖子。With a pocketknife he cut Herring's seat belt, reclined her seat, then cradled her head and neck in his hands.

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这位按摩保健师把他那件血淋淋的T恤衫从海岭的颅骨拿开。我的上帝!科科伦心里想。我能看到她的大脑!The massage therapist lifted his bloody T-shirt from Herring's skull. My God! Corcoran thought. I can see her brain!

在给海岭注射过琥珀酰胆碱之后,蒙丹用手稳住她的头部,卡德里奇把呼吸筦插入她的喉咙。After the succinylcholine was injected. Montez held Herring's head steady and Kadric slid the breathing tube down her throat.

这个血块和正在肿胀的受伤的脑组织一起发生作用,就会切断维系海岭生命的细脉。This clot, combined with the swelling of the injured brain tissue, was cutting away the fragile thread that kept Herring alive.