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你们不会真用吸血的水蛭,对吧?You don't use real leaches do you?

不要让水蛭们投票!!!No Votes for Leeches ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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在这之前采用的则是放血和水蛭疗法。Before that bloodletting and leaches were used.

象水蛭叮咬羸弱的英伦。But leech-like to their fainting country cling.

方法对水蛭注射液进行干扰。Methods The interfering test on Hirudo Injection.

这种水蛭在十大新物种之列。The leech is described in a top 10 list of new species.

经SDS-PAGE电泳分析证实得到水蛭素纯度较高。Hirudin was proved to be highly purified by SDS-PAGE analysis.

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水蛭和柳叶刀似乎是过去的处方。Leeches and lances might seem like prescriptions from the past.

难道我没有明白地说,加入少许水蛭的汁液就够了吗?Didn't I state plainly that a dash of leech juice would suffice?

哪有大量收水蛭‘蚂蝗’的厂子??????Which have lots of collect leeches ' leeches' old???????????????

目的应用PCR方法获得水蛭素基因。PurposeThe aim is to obtain recombinant hirudin gene using PCR method.

目的研制的水蛭注射液并进行安全性检查。Objective producing the new preparation-hirudo injection and test its safty.

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使用阿尔冈琴语系的美洲本土人的传说中的一条巨大的水蛭。A large water worm from the legends of the Algonquian Native American people.

后来,尽管还是害怕水蛭,我为自己身处奇妙的境地感到激动。Then, despite the leech fears, I am hit by the strange wonder of my situation.

水蛭素能够降低各个时间点的脑水含量和BBB通透性。Administration of hirudin reduced both brain water content and BBB permeability.

目的探讨水蛭注射液的制备及鉴别方法。Objective To study the method of producting and identifying the hirudo injection.

水蛭素具有较好的药理作用,其药源丰富,在临床上应用广泛。Hirudin has good pharmacological action, which is widely used in clinical practice.

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以次黄嘌呤为考察指标,建立了水蛭注射液的HPLC指纹图谱。HPLC fingerprint of hirudo injection was established, using hypoxanthine as the target.

结论凝血酶对丘脑组织具有毒性损伤作用,但这一损伤可被水蛭素逆转。Conclusion Damage to the thalamic tissue might be caused by thrombin and reversed by hirudin.

放血、水蛭、抽气罐、泻药和砒霜看起来对人体的伤害大于其益处。Bleeding, leeches, suction cups, purges, and arsenic powders seemed to do more harm than good.