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赤色海岸化石堆。Red Reaches Fossil Bank.

海水将海岸冲击得凹凸不平。The sea indents the coast.

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野人海岸迅猛龙遗址。Savage Coast Raptor Fields.

海水慢慢地漫上海岸。The sea crept up the shore.

凝脂奶酪海岸地。Past shores of clotted cream.

我们现在所处的就是大梅沙海岸。Here we are at Dameisha beach.

海军防守海岸。The navy defends our seacoast.

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守者配置于海岸沿线。The path lies along the coast.

她沿着海岸闲逛。She doodled along the seashore.

船在驶离海岸,开向大海。The ship is standing off to sea.

波浪把我的小船冲离了海岸。Waves hit my boat off the shore.

你可以极目远眺,看见海岸。You can see as far as the coast.

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啊,海岸欢呼,啊,钟声敲响!Exult O shores, and ring O bells!

移至公海――离开海岸。Move to high seas-keep off coast.

激浪轰隆隆地拍打着荒凉的海岸。Surf booms upon a desolate shore.

那条船靠近海岸航行。The ship kept close to the coast.

波浪拍击着海岸。The waves were beating the shore.

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海岸顶上是后滨阶地。At the top of the shore is a berm.

但如果敌人侵犯我们的海岸。But, should foes assail our coast.

欢呼,哦,海岸!轰鸣,哦,洪钟!Exult, O Shores! and ring, O bell!