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牛棚里一片血污。The cowshed was drenched in blood.

他一看到血污就作呕。His gorge rose at the sight of gore.

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现场四处血污,但是并无尸体。There are blood spatters—but no body.

于是他刺破双腿,流出脓水和血污。He stabbed them to drain the pus and blood.

哦你这记录谎言的血污。Cried, 'O false blood, thou register of lies.

它们的尸衣血污、嘴唇未干。Their shrouds are bloody and their lips are wet.

那校车早已空了,车门上染满了血污。It was empty and the door was smeared with blood.

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视频截图显示一个中国新疆的女人身上满是血污。A video grab shows a bloodstained woman in Urumqi, China.

某些人还看到不明来历的血污出现之后消失。Some have seen mysterious bloodstains appear and disappear.

受尽折磨,全身血污的格雷琴出现在她姐姐丽塔的家门口。A battered and bloody Gretchen arrives at her sister Rita's house.

他张着嘴,我看见他嘴里满是黑色的血污。His mouth was open, and I saw that it was filled with black blood.

他们寻声而至,却只发现几棵树被血污涂鸦。They went to search for her, but only found blood smeared on the trees.

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像这些在毒热的太阳下烤着的浑身血污和恶臭的身体,她从来没有见过。Never anything like these stinking, bleeding bodies broiling under the glaring sun.

在这安静的地方,怎么横放着这两柄无主的血污的刀剑?What mean these masterless and gory swords to lie discolour'd by this place of peace?

呼吸专家实施心肺复苏,我靠在墙上,满身血污,难以置信。Respiratory took over the CPR and I stood back against the wall, bloody and disbelieving.

那时巴以停火才刚刚过去几天,Rewa'a紧紧攥着一件沾满血污的衣服。It was a few days after the ceasefire and Rewa'a was clutching a bloody piece of clothing.

约翰尼投下了在地板上的西莉亚的身体并且站立了在她,紧握他血污的手。Johnny dropped Celia's body on the floor and stood over her, wringing his blood-stained hands.

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那两只脚曾经走过许多血污,以异常顽强的方法对付了那些流水。By strange stern ways, and through much staining blood, those feet had come to meet that water.

利威林把空摇篮掀到一边发现他的儿子没受伤的躺在一条混身血污的狼的尸体旁。Llewelyn pulls aside the cradle to find his son unharmed and the bloody body of a huge wolf next to him.

意大利电视纷纷播出了贝鲁斯科尼面部肿胀血污的形像。Bonaiuti said. Images of the premier with a swollen, blood-smudged face were splashed across Italian television.