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科技,火药,再次的中央集权化。Technology, gunpowder, centralization of power again.

他加强了中央集权的统治And he makes state centralization even more important.

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众王国兴衰起伏,一直没有建立起强大的中央集权国家。There were no strong, centralized states. Kingdoms rose and fell.

1949年至1989年间,罗马尼亚是中央集权的国营卫生系统。From 1949 to 1989, Romania had a centralized state-run health system.

为什么很多什叶派支持联邦制度而逊尼派人要求中央集权呢?So why are many Shias for federalism and many Sunnis for centralisation?

但现在那个陈旧的中央集权国家在衰落。But now, the old centralized bureaucratic Indian state is in steady decline.

中国是有着悠久历史的单一制的中央集权国家。China is a centralization country that has the unitary system of long history.

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现金的涌入与中央集权的权力制造了贪腐机会。The influx of cash, and centralized power, has created opportunities for graft.

而中央集权的体制下,很少有政客愿亲自劳烦到北部视察一番。Few politicians in a centralised system have bothered to travel north themselves.

太多的中央集权控制会毁了敏捷,抑制创新和抵制变更。Too much central control destroys agility, inhibits creativity and resists change.

这是在妖言惑众,是一个古老的为政府权力正名的中央集权主义诡辩。He dreamt this up to instill fear, an old statist trick to justify government power.

法国是一个传统的中央集权国家,集权观念根深蒂固。France is a traditionally centralized country and the centralization is ineradicable.

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刘邦建立了西汉,巩固了中央集权的封建国家。Liu Bang established Western Han Dynasty, and he consolidated the centralized feudal state.

明清时代是我国古代君主专制主义中央集权高度发展和空前强化的时期。The Ming and Qing dynasty are the very period of high feudalistic controlment and coercion.

所以说中央集权是…当然,图勒有山,在布瑞福修铁路会更加容易And,so,that centralization is--also there are mountains there, it's easier to build in Brive.

旧中国中央集权与地方分权相互竞争,相互交替。The centralization and the decentralization in the old China competed and alternate mutually.

为什么会这样,从长远来看,法国为何变得如此中央集权化How did it get this way? Just thinking over the long run, How did France end up so centralized?

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秦统一以后,在全国范围内建立起了严密的中央集权制度。Qin dynasty established the strict centralization system in the national scope after its union.

这个国度的奠基人信赖,象美利坚合众国一样大的国度最佳的分封而治,而不应接纳中央集权制。Its founders believed that a country the size of Bmerica is best governed locally, not nationally.

秦灭六国,建立了空前强大的中央集权的封建帝国。Qin extinguishes six countries, has founded the unprecedented formidable centralization feudal empire.