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我们对于未知的一切有着一份赤子般的信仰。We have a childlike belief in the unknown.

本年度公共财政讲出现赤子。The public finances are set to go into deficit this year.

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我爱冬天,像赤子眷恋母亲一般。I love winter, like the pure love of the mother in general.

其魅力缘于他的赤子般“纯念”和孺子般“真诚”。His enchantment comes from his childlike pureness and sincerity.

完整的人生来自我们赤子般的心灵,让我们的内心更加净化。Complete life-like from our pure hearts, let our hearts be more clean.

研究了赤子爱胜蚓纤溶酶活性的提高条件及酶的最适作用条件。In this paper the best conditions of activity of plasmin were studied.

总之,简单率真的赤子之情能造就快乐迷人的你!All in all, be simple and straightforward, then you'll be more charming!

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赤子的个性也许可以解释为何我是如此的怀念过去。This childlike quality may account for why I miss the past so desperately.

结果表明,赤子爱胜蚓切断的位置不同,其再生速度不同。The results showed that the regenerative velocity varied with the amputation sites.

要拥有「纯真之心」意味著要像赤子般的充满想像与嬉戏之心。To be "Pure of Heart" is to be like a Child, playful and filled with "imagination".

赤子童心说,「要是讲“人定胜天”太武断了。Children's mind said, 'it is too arbitrary to say that man will triumph over nature.

阳光如赤子一般在绿叶间快乐嬉戏,并不知道人心的诡诈。The light that plays, like a naked child, among green leaves happily knows not that man can lie.

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以“道”为圭臬,老子将人生境界区分为俗人境界、圣人境界、赤子境界三个层次。Based on "Tao", Laozi put life realms into three gradations -common realm , wise realm and newborn baby realm.

本实验以农田土壤为研究土壤,选用赤子爱胜蚯蚓为供种蚯蚓。In this experiment, the soil which we study is from farm, and Eisenia foetida is being chosen for the test earthworm.

同时,慈湖对佛家的宽容庇度和他「薄海内外,皆吾赤子」的精神有著内在的一致之处。Meanwhile, Cihu's catholicity to Confucianism consisted interiorly with his spirit of "home and abroad, universally my sons."

在异国他乡的土地上,我真切地体会到海外赤子的命运与祖国的富强是休戚相关的。When I am abroad, I deeply feel that the good or bad fate of oversea Chinese greatly depends on the strong or week motherland.

今日宇内,混浊连混浊,伪劣假冒,勾心斗角,很难碰见自然本色,善心赤子。In today's universe, are full of obscurity, fake and intrigue. It is difficult to meet natural essence and gentlemen with kindness.

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本文以此为论述对象,探讨作者通过其笔下的海外赤子、浪子和游子等人物形象所体现的民族想像以及其中的忧患意识。I discuss the imaginary of the nation as embodied in the images of the overseas compatriots, loafers, and wanderers, and sense of anxiety.

后来因为种种原因,他再也没能回到中国,但他对中国语言文学的赤子般的热爱一直伴随终生。Caught by successive events, he never returned. But his lifelong devotion to the Chinese language and literature remained with him until the last day.

“金海鑫龙”愿用赤子的诚心换您的信心,用创新的技术带给您效益,用完善的服务免除您的后顾。"Gimhae Xinlong" pure of heart would like to use for your confidence in using innovative technologies to benefit you with better service from your speaks.