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我成为了呻吟者。I became a moaner.

没人然后呻吟了”。No one moaned then.

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收缩着并呻吟着。Contracting and groaning.

那女孩痛苦地呻吟着。The girl groaned in pain.

这对夫妇痛苦地呻吟。The couple groaned in pain.

我只剩下趴在那儿呻吟的份了。I just lay there and groaned.

“唉”,他呻吟道,“只有一天。"Oh, " he moans, "only a day.

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病人通夜“呻吟”。The sick man moaned all night.

那老师因惊慌而呻吟。The teacher groaned with dismay.

物质呻吟着触摸着你的手。Matter groans to touch your hand.

这生病的男人在睡梦中呻吟。The sick man moaned in his sleep.

那老妇人在睡梦中呻吟着。The old woman moaned in her sleep.

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那个伤员呻吟不止。The wounded man moaned ceaselessly.

凄风在远处呻吟。Sad-voiced winds moan in the distance.

赫敏在他耳边小声呻吟着。Hermione gave a little moan in his ear.

那个老妇人呻吟地说出她的悲惨故事。The old woman groaned out her sad story.

“哎唷!”他呻吟着,吸了一口气。"Whew! " he said, drawing in his breath.

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那个重伤员不禁呻吟了一声。A moan escaped the badly wounded soldier.

她一边呻吟一边作呕。She was moaning and retching all the while.

人民在重税下痛苦呻吟。The people groan under the burden of taxes.