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机工的专业知识和考证培训等。Mechanic's expertise and research training.

据她考证,这个词最早出现于1968年。She traced the word's first use back to 1968.

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据考证这幅画的作者是一位无名画家。The painting was ascribed to an unknown artist.

不过,还有很多情况是有待考证的。Still, that leaves a lot of room for fact-checking.

白花丹的历史考证。Historical textual criticism of Plumbago zeylanica L.

第二部分是对玉版文字的集释与考证。The second part is the most important part of this article.

嘿嘿。我没听过。如果在东莞的话。可以去麦夫英语村了解。他们也有考证培训。I know. And you also will know if you go to changan library.

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而且我京城鼓励企业家做些考证。And I always encourage entrepreneurs to do reference checking.

同时,考证中还推论系联了其他同源词。Meanwhile, it also deduces and links with some other paronyms.

据考证,可能与当时的屯田制度有关。According to research, may be related to the then Tuntian system.

同时还有很多无从考证的贫困人口There are so many people you can't count, because they own nothing.

文章将对6通傅函的时间考证就教于方家。This textual research testifies the certain time of Fu's 6 letters.

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初步考证该墓地应为萧氏家族墓地。The author thinks that the tombs should be the Xiao family cemetery.

古画收藏家们都成了许多考证错误的受害人。Collectors of old masters have been the victims of many misattributions.

本文对王翰的身世与诗歌作了考证与分析。This article textually researched his experience and analyzed his poems.

姓氏的不确定,也就难以考证他的生卒年。However, it is hard to research his life age due to uncertain family name.

科学家将在未来的十年对这部分名单进行考证.This part of the list will be tackled by scientists in the coming decades.

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有关这些史迹的考证,学术界仍是众说纷纭,莫衷一是。The interpretation of these events is still a matter of academic discussion.

据考证,这里早在中原龙山文化时期就有人类活动迹象。There are traces of early man living here in the period of Longshan Culture.

然后考证了其四部著作的先后次第及版本、内容方面的问题。This chapter also details the sequence, edition and content of his four books.