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人类的思想生生不息、绵绵不绝,原因就在这里。That is why man have all kinds of thoughts everyday and everywhere.

如果你非要说自己感情丰富,泪如泉涌,可以滔滔,绵绵不绝,那我也没有办法。If you want to say oneself emotional, tears, surging, so that I can't.

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在下对前辈的景仰有如滔滔江水,绵绵不绝。My veneration for your honor will go on and on just like the surging river.

我相信中美两国人民的友谊将会绵绵不绝地延伸在未来。I believe the friendship between Chinese and American people will go on and on in the future.

她对我意义非凡,任何人都知道,我对她的爱就如滔滔江水,绵绵不绝。She means more to me, then anyone would know, My love for she is like a constant river?s flow.

我对你的爱慕犹如黄河之水绵绵不绝,难道你就从来看不出来吗?I adore you as if water of the yellow river be continuing, difficult way can you always not see clearly?

“软”是“气”的绵绵不尽,就像太极拳,也是以软对抗硬,积蓄绵绵不绝的内力。"Soft" is "gas" and not continuous, like tai chi, but also soft against the hard, continuous savings and internal forces can not.

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而对他的翻译理论的批评,对作为翻译标准的“信达雅”三字的批评也是绵绵不绝。As far as his translation theory is concerned, the three-character criterion has gained a lot of criticism, in which the character"elegance"is the most controversial.

那奇特的声音绵绵不绝,阿特在家中收集的手工纸中翻箱倒柜地寻找,最终他找到了一张平平整整、亮光闪闪的金箔纸。The strange voice was so insistent that Art actually found himself rummaging through his collection of origami papers at home until he found one flat, shiny piece of gold foil.

而在批判和讽刺之上,师陀的创作有更基本的维度,这就是弥漫在作品中的绵绵不绝的乡愁,以及由之对时间之流中生命的关怀。This paper, based on an analysis of his writings, shows that beyond the style of satire and criticism Shi Tuo s writings overflow with homesickness and great concern for peoples life.

虽深受西方文化熏陶,但林徽因依然保持着对中国传统思想文化、传统艺术、传统诗学绵绵不绝的热衷之情。Although deeply influenced by Western culture, but Lin Huiyin still maintained traditional Chinese thought and culture, traditional arts, traditional poetics endless enthusiastic feelings.

绵绵不绝的声波震动在水的表面逐渐绘制出几何图形,其形态变幻直接取决于人与石头之间的接触强度。The propagation of the acoustic vibrations on the surface slowly draws a geometrical composition. The figures vary according to the intensity of the contact between the person and the stones.