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性命是一束污浊的火焰。Life is apure flame.

他的性命操在我的手心里。His life was in my hand.

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饶了阮儿的性命吧!Rao the life of Ruan son!

他担心自己性命不保,所以走开了。He went in fear of his life.

健康所系,性命相托。Health related, life entrusted.

健康所系,性命所托。Tie with health, entrust by life.

放下武器,饶你性命。Drop your weapon, I'll spare life.

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上一次的生病差点让他性命不保。His last illness almost did him in.

我要为你舍掉我的性命!I am ready to give my life for you.

大部分的战俘在数周内丢掉性命.Most of the POWs died within weeks.

今天可能有人会丢掉性命。People might lose their life today.

你可以把性命讬附给他吗?。Would you trust him with your life?

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你是否豁出性命也信任他?。Do you trust him with all your life?

他差点儿丢了性命。He came very near to losing his life.

它好像在企求饶恕自己的性命。It seemed to be begging for its life.

健康所系,性命相托。Health fasten, the life gives mutually.

拿枪的人差点让他性命不保。The man with the gun almost did him in.

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他们竟挖坑要害我的性命。for they have digged a pit for my soul.

我把性命还给您,您拿去吧,父皇。I can give you my life, TAKE IT, FATHER.

他必死无疑,但可以救那五人的性命。He would die but he would spare the five.