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在有生之年是不可能的。Not in our life time.

满级啊,我一直在想我有生之年能不能满…You're on my heart just like a tattoo.

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他在有生之年一直建设这些东西。He built all of this during his lifetime.

我很高兴,起码在我有生之年我都有尝试过。I'm happier than I've ever been in my life.

这个决定可能会让你在有生之年都追悔莫及。The decision could be one you live to regret.

上帝恩准至少在我有生之年不要让那块帘升起!God grant that in my day, at least, that curtain may not rise!

所有这些就在我的有生之年发生了,而我现在还年轻着呐。All these happened just in my lifetime but I'm not even old yet.

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那么什么才是最重要的呢?你有生之年的价值如何来衡量呢?So what wiil matter? How will the value of your days be measured?

有生之年,只诉温暖不言殇,倾心相遇,安暖相陪。Lifetime, v. warmth not only ruin, fall in love meet, warm with Ann.

林,你应该在有生之年获得诺贝尔和平奖。Lin, you should win a Nobel Peace Prize sometimes in your life time.

但是泰温大概很失望,因为在他有生之年那些下水道里的水都没排干一半。The drains never drained half so well as when he had charge of them.

一旦感染了HSV-2,可以确信病毒将在患者有生之年一直存在于他体内。A. Once a person has HSV-2, the virus is believed to persist for life.

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我到是没想到在我的有生之年这个社会主义国家会解体。I never imagined that the fall of Communism would occur in my lifetime.

在有生之年的瞬间遇见你,竟花光所有运气。It actually took all the luck to meet you for just a moment in my life.

即便是现在天各一方,也不见得有生之年不会再聚首。For though they may be parted There is still a chance that they will see.

然而,在他的有生之年他都没有卖出一幅他自己的画。Yet, he never sold a painting in his lifetime. This is his self-portrait.

学生有生之年都会记得他曾打过自己,并感谢他。He would remember it, and thank him for it the longest day he had to live.

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上帝告诉他,在他的有生之年,印度卢比也不会成为全球储备货币。God told him that the Rupee won’t become a reserve currency in his lifetime.

他撰写了大量的协奏曲,但只有其中一人在他有生之年出版。He wrote many concertos , but only one of them was published in his lifetime.

在你有生之年,你希望看到什么样的科技进步?Which scientific discovery or advance would you like to see in your lifetime?