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我先声明一件事Let me make one thing very clear.

一些人认为,三星公司是亚洲新型资本主义模式的先声。To some, Samsung is the harbinger of a new Asian model of capitalism.

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那就是我们正需要的,所以,然我们先声明一个鼠标关节变量在类定义中。In Box2D, a mouse joint is used to make a body move toward a specified point.

也认为他延期的请求就是他反悔的先声。They regarded the request for delay as merely the prelude to his recantation.

还有先声药业和江苏林洋新能源有限公司与弘毅投资的合作等等。Just as Simcere Pharmaceuticals and Solarfun Power had done with Hony Capital.

赋之再发现,其影响所及,遂开宋人诗风之先声。The new finding of Fu and its influence affected the poem style in Song Dynasty.

这止匕白人乐队开创了今大所谓南方爵士音乐的先声。The white musicians created the foundation for what is now called Dixieland jazz.

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在意义的哲学分析方面,摩尔的工作也可为夺奥斯汀之先声。Moore’s work in the philosophical analysis of meaningalso pre-empted the ideas of J.L.

1789年的法国革命是19世纪各国资产阶级革命的先声。The French Revolution of 1789 heralded other bourgeois revolutions in the 19th century.

农村家庭联产承包制的创立是中国现代社会转型的先声。The foundation of rural household contract system is the pioneer the social transformation.

文化是科学技术进步的母体,是经济社会发展的先声。Culture is the mother of science and technology, and it is the economy and society development herald.

丁甘仁开创了近代中医办学校教育的先声,对于中医教育事业做出了杰出贡献。Ding Ganren founded TCM school education in modern times, which contributed greatly to TCM educational cause.

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虽然易趣正式否认了直插式,分析师认为,卖方罢工作为一个先声,为艰苦的时候来易趣。Though eBay officially denies the dip, analysts see the seller strike as a harbinger for tough times to come foreBay.

到了80年代,又有一些新文学史著作认为“东北作家群”在“九。一八”以后的创作是抗战文学的先声。In the 1980s, some thought that the works by the Group of Northeast Writers after the 9.18 Incident is the first sign.

教会女校及反缠足运动的兴起,均成为中国女子教育,乃至中国妇女解放的先声。The rise of missionary girls schools and the anti-foot-binding movement heralded the education and even the emancipation.

北魏统一中原前十六国政权的汉化先声,是魏晋南北朝民族大融合的重要组成部分。Chinesization was an essential part of national mergence during Wei and Jin Dynasties and Southern and Northern Dynasties.

吴敬梓是真切洞察文明危机的先驱,五四新文学运动的先声。As a pioneer who commands a genuine insight into the civilization crisis, Wu is a herald of the May 4 New Literature Movement.

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其译诗本身也成为一种准创作,在不少方面成为新诗创作的萌芽和先声。As a pre-creation of new poems, the translation practice experienced the transition and witnessed the bud of Chinese New Poetry.

这与词作华美的形式、悠远的意境相结合,奏响了诗体文学向词体文学过渡的先声。It combines with florid form and remote artistic conception of poems, which achieves a transition of poetic literary into Ci-verse one.

他的“明道”的文艺观,是我国文学批评史上“文以明道”说的先声。His "Demonstrating Tao" theory is the first voice of "Demonstrating Ideal through Writing" in the history of Chinese literary criticism.