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在节后,他们很多人才在生活中开始开源节流。After the holidays, many are ready to take control of their lives.

如何“开源节流”成为应对危机的关键。Therefore, broadening sources of income and reducing expenditure is the key.

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他开创了美国现代公民服务型政府和开源节流式政治。He created the modern American civil service and throttled patronage politics.

他说,银行业对国内市场业务的开源节流亦增添了行业整并的前景.A retrenchment by banks to their domestic markets added to the prospect of consolidation, he said.

如果你早早的开始,开源节流,你的百万富翁的梦想迟早会实现。If you start early, spend wisely and save diligently, your million-dollar dreams are well within reach.

到了现在,删除开源节流的方案都更不利于经济的长远发展。Even now, a plan that does not include fiscal retrenchment will be much worse for long-term economic growth.

如果我们现在意识不到要在医保费用上开源节流,那也别指望将来能省下钱了。If we can't realize significant savings in health care costs now, don't expect savings in the future, either.

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还有些人正在开源节流,依然害怕这个大萧条以来最为严重的经济危机。Others are saving more and spending less, still shaken from the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression.

开源节流的观念用在精神力的经验上,同是一条金科玉律。The concept of increasing input and reducing output is a golden rule for us in experiences of using power of mind and body.

毅昕打算改革公司行政,以开源节流,并研究公司上市的可能性。YiXin plans to reform the company administration, as open source throttling, and study the possibility of a listed company.

你就有可能在不严重影响生活质量的前提下找到开源节流的方法。Chances are good that you’ll find a couple of places where you can cut back without severely impacting the quality of your life.

他当然有权抽他的雪茄,喝他的白兰地,但日本眼下正值开源节流之秋,因此他忿忿不平地将此辩解为放松心情是站不住脚的。He no doubt deserves his cigar and brandy. But as Japan tightens its belt, his irritable defence of how he likes to unwind has grated.

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企业纷纷开源节流,而且所有的行业参与者——包括航空公司、酒店以及差旅管理公司——都面临压力。Corporations are pulling back across the board and all players—from airlines to hotels to travel management companies—are under pressure.

古人有训,开源节流,既然节流不成,何不妨在开源处动下脑筋。An old Chinese saying training, resources and cut costs, since no cut, how open source in the Department may wish to move under the brain.

开发建设地下水库是一项工程量小,环境影响小,投资少,效益大的开源节流工程。To establish a ground water reservoir is a project with small scale engineering, lesser environmental impact, lesser investment and great benefit.

在我们还在经历着这次历史上最糟糕的经济灾难的时候,开源节流就得尤为审慎。As we continue to wait out the aftermath of one of history’s worst economic disasters, it can be prudent to continue to cut spending where possible.

开源节流的压力迫使他们把企业网和SCADA系统集成为流水线。The pressure to increase profits and reduce expenses has them integrating their SCADA systems with their business networks to streamline operations.

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医院开源节流,后勤是先锋,油、电开支在后勤开支中占有重要位置。In finding resource and saving expense, the logistics is a pioneer of the hospital. Oil and electric-power costs are very important to the logistics.

要深度解决太原市缺水问题,应实行开源节流与污染治理并举的措施,在进一步加大节水力度的基础上,增大污水处理回用和引黄力度。Based on increasing water-saving force further, the sewage treatment of various industrial economic departments and diversion from Yellow River must be stressed.

在缓解城市缺水问题上,城市污水回用可开辟城市第二水源,比其他开源节流途径在实际中更容易实施,更经济。In the ways to alleviate municipal water shortage, municipal sewage reuse may open the second water source, it is easier implement and more economical than other ways.