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在北部空中云集成小星虚度。I im the star in the northern sky.

这座城市游客云集。The city is swarmed with tourists.

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外商云集广州。Many foreign merchants gathered in Guangzhou.

其意为变幻莫测,高手云集的舞台。Magician means a changeable stage full of masters.

该片的另一个焦点在于明星云集的演员阵容。Another highlight of the movie is its all-star cast.

明星云集,爆炸场面也特别多。One guy after the other guy and a lot of explosions.

今晚我市一些精英人物将在这里云集。Some of the best brains in the city are here tonight.

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今晚的舞会才子佳人云集。The party tonight was crowded with wits and beauties.

香客云集,还有许多游客。Worshipers flock there, and so do many tourists and sightseers.

无面者也云集其下,急切地渴望着能够再次重返地表世界。Forgotten ones seethe below, eager to return to the world above.

明代时称为大店街,店铺云集。Large store market is called when bright generation, shop gathers.

上海国金中心商场将云集世界著名品牌。Shanghai IFC Mall will offer a selection of international retailers.

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尼罗河畔的这座城市,云集了众多的古埃及遗迹。The Nile-side city is home to a wealth of ancient Egyptian monuments.

美国首都政客学者云集,热闹非凡。AMERICA'S capital, filled with politicos and pundits, is a noisy place.

哦,我真羡慕她!你知道吗,那可是个巨星云集的晚会呀!Oh, how I envy her! You know, lots of A- listers will be at that party!

各大媒体云集吹风会,纷纷提问。Many major medias were at the briefing and lots of questions were asked.

这些汽车会议云集了一些最优秀的发明家。Some of the brightest inventors converge at these automobile conventions.

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一天,许多有心的求婚男子云集在牧马人居住的帐篷外面。One day, there were many eligible men gathered outside the shepherd's home.

这部明星云集的电影预计将创下新的票房纪录。The movie with an all-star cast is expected to set a new box office record.

除李宇春外,本片李连杰,周迅,陈坤和范晓萱等众星云集。The star-studded cast also includes Jet Li, Zhou Xun, Chen Kun and Mavis Fan.