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玫瑰是多刺的植物。Rose is a briar.

植物开始生长。Plants start growing.

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那是招财植物。That's a money plant.

看到那株小植物了吗?See that little plant?

这种植物喜阴处。The plant loves shade.

谁来给植物浇水?Who waters the plants?

十字花科新植物。New taxa of Cruciferae.

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这些是一年生的植物。These are annual plants.

什么是植物种?What Is a Plant Species?

人会虐待植物吗?Does man maltreat plants?

植物吸收了水分。The plant drank moisture.

苦味植物,苦艾。To make bitter in flavor.

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幼鱼藏在植物。Young hide in vegetation.

一株植物是一个有生命力的实体A plant is a living thing.

你尊重植物的生命吗?Do you respect plant life?

覆盖物太多使植物窒息。Smother plants with mulch.

这是些植物的精魂。This is a plant of spirit.

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有些植物开花而不结籽。This plant flowers freely.

或者“植物也感到痛苦!”"or "Plants feel pain too!

寄主植物种类。The species of host plants.