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建立一个网上托收账号。Create a Clickbank account.

激活jolicloud账号Activate your Jolicloud account

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所以啊,再次在“删除我的账号”上打钩吧。So, click "Cancel My Account" again.

新的登陆账号时开门声音。New sound when logging into pvp. net.

登录了账号,查完邮件没退出就走了。You login, check email and walk away.

你的账号密码将会邮给你…Your account key will be emailed to you.

我们可以注册一个免费电子邮件账号。We can register for a free email account.

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您的账号不正确,请重新输入!Your account is not correct, please re-entry.

所有询问账号密码的都是试图盗窃您的账号的人。People that do are trying to STEAL your account.

对不起,账号或密码错误。Sorry, the account with this keycode was not found.

违者将直接导致你的账号被禁言。Violating this rule will result you an instant ban.

用户不得用他人之账号登录。Users can't use others' account log-in computer system.

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我丢失了账号密码。有没有方法再找回来?I lost my account key. Is there a way I can get it back?

可惜的是,大多数都要求有一个高级账号这样做。Sadly, most of these require a premium membership to do so.

我家"小猫"昨晚把我耶鲁账号的密码给改了My cat yesterday actually undid my Yale password last night.

输入账号密码可以查询产品相关消息。Enter the account password can search for product-related news.

您的账号可以发表包含任何HTML的内容。Your account has the ability to post unrestricted HTML content.

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黑客是如何盗取账号和密码的至今仍是个迷。How the hackers stole their user name and password is a mystery.

登陆你的Lijit账号之后就会看到显著的增强。The enhancement is visible once you log in to your Lijit account.

但就是那么一刷,让我了解到商人的推特账号。But with that one swipe, I learn of the merchant's Twitter handle.