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好孤单的年。Good lonely years.

达亚并不孤单。Dexia is not alone.

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泽维尔并不孤单。Xavier is not alone.

和腊斯克并不孤单。And Rusk is not alone.

在这个过程中我并不孤单。I'm not alone in this.

你自然也不会孤单。Nor would you be alone.

此外,沙札姆并不孤单。And Shazam is not alone.

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史高基很孤单。Scrooge was quite alone.

房婴儿从不会孤单来到人世。A baby never comes alone.

我站在这里并不孤单。I do not stand here alone.

什么时候沵会觉得孤单?。When would you feel lonely?

感到我在这里好孤单。Feeling like I'm here alone.

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孤单时我从不曾感受疯狂。I was never crazy on my own.

有人喜欢就好。孤单、却不寂寞。To be alone, but not lonely.

孤单的路上,只有天知道。Lonely roads, god only knows.

在你孤单时想起我。When you lonely remembers my.

孤单的路太过漫长。And the road has been to long.

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我好孤单、好害怕”。I was so alone. I was so scared.

孤单旳亾,请你记住。Lonely people you must remember.

祂孤单的在各各他山。Was the lonely hill of Golgatha.