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白昼,黑夜,时间。No day, no night, no moment.

白昼来自于黑魆空间。Daylight came from in the night.

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恐惧黎明和白昼。Eosophobia- Fear of dawn or daylight.

我部分白昼黑夜看守房子。I watch the house by day and by night.

为黑夜,白昼和晨昏穿戴。Of night and light and the half-light.

甜美的白昼,如此凉快、宁静、妖冶!Sweet day, so cool, so calm, so bright!

我在暗夜中哭泣,盼不到白昼的来临。Cryin'in the night, the night goes in to.

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白昼或黑夜,我最甜思想。Thou my best thought, by day or by night.

你能够买到任何工具,除啦白昼和黑夜。You can buy anything except day and night.

他决不会像白昼的海市蜃楼一样逐渐消逝。He'll never fade, like the daytime mirages.

看见白昼被黑夜吞没。And see the brave day sunk in hideous night.

白昼中孩子的声响是他们创制的奇妙音乐。Children of the night. Whon music they make.

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停止吧,梦靥,白昼欲望的化身。Cease, dreams, the images of our day-desires.

“真理”这件东西可说是一种无隐无饰的白昼之光。This same truth is a naked and open day light.

白天活动的动物在白昼时猎食。A diurnal animal hunts its food during daylight.

大白昼的,做梦呢,钱那麽好赚吗?Big day, and dreaming, then pay any money to it?

我醒了,她逃走了,白昼又带回我的黑夜。I wak'd, she fled, and day brought back my night.

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他的来历,黑夜也许要比白昼知道得更清楚些。The night probably knew more of him than the day.

广场上灯火辉煌,如同白昼。The public square is as brightly lit as in daylight.

我的白昼已经完了,我就像一只停泊在海滩上的小船。My day is done, and I am lke a boat drawn on the beath.