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大部分游客慕名去了同名的中区寺庙。Most visitors make for the eponymous central temple.

当地建有国际机场,每年约有2万游客慕名而至。It has its own international airport and some 20,000 tourists every year.

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他儿子说,“他是一名非常敬业的内科医生,很多患者慕名向他求医。”He was a very dedicated physician who had a large patient following, ' his son wrote.

它是世界七大奇迹之一,每年都有来自世界各地的数百万游客慕名前来参观。It forms part of the Seven Wonders of the World and attracts millions of visitors worldwide each year.

其中位于北京的密云县的这个瀑布吸引全国以及世界各地的游客前来慕名游览。The one located at Beijing's Myun County attracts tourists from all over the country as well as internationally.

而且许多的游客以及冲浪客也因为海边的美景而慕名前来。In addition, the number of surfers and beachgoers has increased as the population realizes the beauty of the ocean.

比如说那风靡香港的“葡式蛋挞”以及“猪扒肉”,吸引了不少游客慕名而至。Two of the Macanese snacks, Portuguese egg tarts and the 'Pork Chop Buns' are currently favored by Hong Kong people.

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许多游客慕名去荷兰观赏色彩艳丽的花卉和令人眼花缭乱的花田。Many tourists visit the coun­try just to see the bright colored flower and the astonishing view over the bulb fields.

各国专家学者、政要名流慕名光临安惠参观、交流。Many experts, scholars, dignitaries and celebrates come from different countries to visit Alphay and make communication.

有业内消息“龙决”现世,大批盗墓者慕名寻宝。Have the news inside course of study " dragon definitely " disgraced, large quantities of ghoul admire names find treasure.

而许多加勒比海的近半国家国内生产总值来源于慕名游览热带海底风光的旅客。Many Caribbean countries get nearly half their gross national product from visitors seeking tropical underwater experiences.

有些人去奥斯维辛是为了纪念他们被杀害的家庭成员,有些人是慕名这个地方引起的恐怖。Some go to Auschwitz to remember their murdered family members, while others are fascinated by the horrors the place evokes.

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展出的地点毗邻著名的西斯廷教堂,平均每天有一万八千多名参观者慕名前来观赏手卷。Displayed adjacent to the Sistine Chapel, eighteen thousand visitors a day saw the Vatican exhibition of the Dead Sea Scrolls!

我想那些年轻球员会因为拉法对于青训系统的重视选择慕名而投的。People who come to the Academy should be delighted that Rafa is taking such an interest in the development of the young players.

好几十年来,冲浪爱好者都慕名来到夏威夷,他们对夏威夷的黄金海岸致敬,并拜倒在它的世界级巨浪之下。For decades, surfers have made the pilgrimage to Hawaii, paying homage to its golden beaches and bowing before its world-class waves.

随着近来一些世界知名的画家、艺术家和时尚设计师的慕名前来,沿街新开了许多商店和咖啡店。A recent influx of world-renowned painters, artists, and fashion designers to the area has sparked the opening of new shops and cafes.

长期以来,海南的热带气候、沙滩以及清澈海水,都让大批来自国内严寒地区游客慕名前来,休闲度假。With its tropical climate, sandy beach and clear water, people from colder parts of China have long flocked to the island for relaxing holidays.

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据透露,七月至八月,慕名到白金汉宫参观剑桥公爵夫人结婚礼服的人数创下了历史记录。It was revealed that the Duchess of Cambridge's wedding dress helped attract a record number of visitors to Buckingham Palace in July and August.

许多外商慕名纷纷前来公司考察.晶鑫牌硬质合金以其优良性能受到国内外客商好评。Attracted many foreign companies have come to visit. Jingxin brand with its excellent performance carbide praised by domestic and foreign merchants.

排在第六位的是巴厘岛。它在印度尼西亚历史中扮演了非常重要的角色,而且每年都有不计其数的游客慕名前来参观游览。At number six is Bali a significant part of Indonesian history and well renowned location worldwide that attracts thousands of tourists from all over the world.