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找援军。Call reinforcements.

与此同时,俄罗斯向阿布哈兹派出援军。Meanwhile, Russia's sending reinforcements to Abkhazia.

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李恒福提议请明朝援军。Li Hengfu proposal please reinforcements of the Ming dynasty.

如果我们从南边着手的话我们可以切断他们的援军。If we start from the south we can cut off their reinforcements.

司令员下令撤回派往战场的援军。The commander countermanded the reinforcements to the battlefield.

红蜘蛛也率领塞博坦的援军赶来。Meanwhile, red spider come all the way leading Scorponok reinforcement.

与此同时,李如松率领明朝援军抵达了朝鲜。At the same time, ru-song li led the Ming reinforcements arrived in north Korea.

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李恒福劝宣祖要坚持下去,等待明朝援军。Li Hengfu advised XuanZu stick to it, waiting for reinforcements of the Ming dynasty.

绝地武士的援军赶到吉奥诺西斯解救了他们的同伴,一场大战也随之爆发。A huge battle erupted as Jedi reinforcements stormed Geonosis to free their fellow Jedi.

这支巡逻队几乎被包围了,正在危急之际,援军赶到了。The patrol was almost surrounded and then, at the eleventh hour, reinforcements arrived.

李将军决定不立即进攻墓园山,他要等候援军。General Robert E. Lee decided not to attack the hill immediately. He would wait for more men.

麦克莱伦认为南方在雷切蒙德的军队要远比他的军队多,他要求更多的援军和装备。He believed the Confederate force around Richmond was much larger than his. He demanded more men.

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援军即将到达!迅速前往东北方向,情报显示那边有大批敌军活动!Reinforcement will arrive soon. Go to the north-east ASAP, it shows a great number of enemies there.

1781年8月底,法国海军封锁了约克镇,使得英国援军不能前来救援康沃利斯。By late August 1781, French ships had blockaded Yorktown so that no British reinforcements could reach Cornwallis.

当德国人最终意识到盟军的作战意图时,已经来不及组织援军反扑了。When the Germans were clear of the real intention of the Allies at last, it was too late to organize reinforcements.

由于欧文和阿梅奥两人都受到长期伤病的影响,纽卡斯尔需要寻找援军。The Magpies are in dire need of attacking reinforcements with Michael Owen and Shola Ameobi long-term injury victims.

作为海战仿真中作战舰艇的仿真实体表示,舰艇CGF是实现舰艇作战模拟训练系统中提供对手或援军的重要部件。As a representation of surface warship, warship CGF is a key component of offering opponent or reinforcement for STSS.

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之后又乘清援军到来之机,率队先行夺得龟山炮台,清军重新占领汉阳。After clearance by the arrival of reinforcements machine, the team won the first Fort Kameyama, Hanyang Qing reoccupied.

他们的海盗攻击神出鬼没,闪电般击碎敌人的防线,然后在敌方援军到达前又及时撤离。Their piratical raids strike without warning, smashing defences quickly and then disappearing before reinforcements arrive.

他们将被吉奥诺西斯人以盛大的方式处决,但绝地援军突然赶到,救了他们。They were to be executed in grand Geonosian fashion, but their deaths were stalled by the sudden arrival of Jedi reinforcements.