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为何做开放硬件?Why do open hardware?

硬件加速。Hardware acceleration.

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有必备的硬件设施么?Do I have the hardware?

现在重新同步你的iOS硬件。Now re-sync your iOS device.

硬件的可用性。Availability of the hardware.

位于硬件的某个地方。It's elsewhere on my hardware.

这些都是硬件调研。Those emphasized the hardware.

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品牌硬件装饰的一面。Branded hardware adorns the side.

在设计时就考虑到硬件的可管理性Design for hardware manageability

硬件支持和集成。Hardware support and integration.

油费、保险、硬件设施、员工工资!Fuel, insurance, equipment, staff?

闪亮金音详细的硬件。Shiny gold-tone detailed hardware.

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配合硬件工程师进行调测。Work with hardware engineers to test.

基本的硬件知识,能看懂原理图。Basic hardware knowledge, can read SCH.

而开权硬件是没有EOL的。With copyleft hardware there is no EOL.

它是平台和硬件独立的。It is platform and hardware independent.

GPU加速和硬件合成GPU acceleration and hardware compositing

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我必须承认我是一名对硬件充满恐惧的人。I have to admit that I'm hardware-phobic.

褐色皮革装饰和金音硬件。Brown leather trim and gold-tone hardware.

指定键的硬件扫描码。Specifies a hardware scan code for the key.