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这多么不合时宜!How inappropriate!

现在读已经不合时宜了。It's actually out of place now.

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你这不合时宜的老妇人!You incongruous Old Woman of Smyrna!

你认为我的突然闯入不合时宜。You think my intrusion unseasonable.

我可以摒弃那些不合时宜的。I can discard that which is unfitting.

这一切在黄昏不合时宜地消退。Vanish h'd unseasonably at shut of eve.

现代的君主政体是不合时宜的事物。Contemporary monarchy is an anachronism.

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他是一个不合时宜、不得其所的人。He was a man born out of time and place.

现在他们的傲然自信似乎也不合时宜。Now their breezy confidence seems misplaced.

新的清洁能源经济将会迎头赶上,尽管把它和互联网相提并论还不合时宜。The new clean-energy economy will do no less.

嫌隙发生的时间对两国来说都不合时宜。The rift comes at a bad time for both countries.

那狗都不合时宜谁是老板。Then the dog will have to relearn who the boss is.

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选举中期改变主意是不合时宜的。The middle of an election is no time to face about.

然而,总统先生关于公投的主意同样不合时宜。But the president’s referendum idea is equally cock-eyed.

他人长得胖,鼻头和嘴巴部分显出一副不合时宜的可怜相。He was fat and looked shopworn around the nose and mouth.

从很多方面来看,整体意义上的“老大”已经不合时宜了。In many ways, the whole idea of a No. 1 is becoming passé.

然而,这一纲领已被她自己不合时宜的死所深深动摇。It was a platform deeply shaken by her own untimely death.

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他那副样子就象是一个从坟墓中不合时宜地钻出来的鬼魂。He looked like a ghost, evoked unseasonably from the grave.

不要穿不合时宜的衣服,嚼口香糖或是面试迟到。Don’t wear inappropriate clothing, chew gum, or show up late.

遗憾的是这类事物最终还是流于不合时宜和脱离时代了。It is a shame such things have come to seem so anachronistic.