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在建设路上?On Jianshe road?

上班路上我碰见了一个色鬼。I ran over a goat.

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就在路上。Just up the street.

还有一小段行程在波西尼亚的“塞尔共和国”境内,路上要花九个小时。It takes nine hours.

通往林间小屋的路上。On the way to the hut.

在去溶洞的路上。On the way to the cave.

我曾走在路上。I been walkin' the road.

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公园在泰丰路上。It is on Taifeng Street.

他在路上匆忙走过。He buzzed along the road.

路上太堵了。The traffic was horrible.

我在他回家的路上遇见他。I saw him on his way home.

在我回家的路上,我遇到了一位解放军。On my way home. I met a P.

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返回莫斯科市的路上大塞车。On the way back to moscow.

我回家的路上才加的油。I filled up on my way home.

去南湾的路上。On the freeway to South Bay.

路上停着一辆公共汽车。A bus is parking on the road.

一只鸭子扭动着身子在路上走。A duck wiggled in the street.

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不要在回家的路上閒逛!Don't loiter on the way home!

是在昂秀路上的那一家吗?Is it the one on Onshow Road?

孤单的路上,只有天知道。Lonely roads, god only knows.