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肯定是老态龙钟了。Must be in his dotage.

我是否应该让自己看上去老态龙钟好让你放下呢?Should I look older just to be put on your shelf?

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殊不知自身漏洞百出早已呈老态龙钟之态。Not knowing their own flaws is already doddering attitude.

卡扎菲于1969年推翻了最后一个赛怒西部族领导,老态龙钟的伊本。易德立斯。Gadaffi overthrew the last Senoussi, the doddering Ibn Idris, in 1969.

在广州动物园我看见一只老态龙钟的华南虎。In the Guangzhou Zoo I saw a South China tiger in its doddering old age.

共济会员老态龙钟地、嗓子嘶哑地咳嗽几声,清清喉咙,又向仆人喊了一声。The freemason cleared his throat huskily , as old men do, and called his servant.

即使老态龙钟的最高统治者,也不希望自动摘下头上的王冠。Even senile supreme ruler, do not want to automatically take off the crown of the head.

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在一栋尘埃遍地、鬼影憧憧的屋子里得了病,侍候她的只有一个老态龙钟的黑人。Fell in the house filled with dust and shadows, with only a doddering Negro man to wait on her.

这是老态龙钟哥哥的胜利,它再也不必感谢他的弟弟了。It’s the triumph of the doddering older brother who no longer has to be grateful to his junior.

一场可怕的地震和一场巨大的海啸袭击了一座老态龙钟,缺乏足够安全设施的核电站。A crappy old plant with inadequate safety features was hit by a monster earthquake and a vast tsunami.

她,Margueritte,老态龙钟,挚爱文学,书籍陪伴她走过了孤独,但她的视力每况愈下。She, Margueritte, seams, love literature, books by her past the lonely, but her sight worse and worse.

保持体型,臃肿的身材和浑身的脂肪会让人显得老态龙钟。Carry bodily form, the figure of overstaffed and all over adipose meeting lets a person appear anility.

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在哈利住的破斧酒吧11号房间里也有一面说话声音老态龙钟的镜子。There was also one in room 11 of the Leaky Cauldron when Harry stayed there which spoke in a wheezy voice.

加布里埃尔的母亲批评霍华德先生,说他“老态龙钟”,不了解13岁和14岁的女孩是什么样子。Her mother dismisses Mr Howard as " doddery " and out of touch with what 13 and 14-year-old girls are like.

老态龙钟的罗丝讲完这段爱情后,把那串价值连城的珠宝沉入海底,让它陪着杰克和这段爱情长眠海底。Ross finished the doddering this love, then sank Nachuan priceless jewelry, it takes a long love Jack and this submarine.

玛丽·卡森老态龙钟的躯体内带着极大的痛苦,她希望能拒绝这件事或者和他们一道去骑马。With every bitter bone in her swollen old body Mary Carson had wished she had been able to refuse, or else ride with them.

玛丽卡森老态龙钟的躯体内带著极大的痛苦,她本希望能拒绝这件事或者和他们一道去骑马。With every bitter bone in her swollen old body mary carson had wished she had been able to refuse, or else ride with them.

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相比那些年轻的、生机勃勃而且储蓄丰富的新兴市场,许多人认为发达国家现在是老态龙钟、债务缠身、思想过时。Many see the rich world as old, debt-ridden and out of ideas compared with the young, zestful and high-saving emerging markets.

“孩子”,老态龙钟的父亲对放荡不羁的儿子说,“处事轻率急躁后悔多。Father and Son "MY boy," said an aged Father to his fiery and disobedient Son, "a hot temper is the soil of remorse.

他又看见在它们之后,又有七头骨瘦如柴且老态龙钟的牛从河中冒出。七头老而瘦的牛把七头肥壮的牛吞了下去。After he saw them, there are seven skinny cows and senile emerge from the River. 7 old and the seven lean cows fat cow swallowed.