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她戴了一副无边眼镜。She wore rimless glasses.

烈日当头,沙海无边。Scorching sun, endless sand sea.

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凉风有云,秋月无边。Cool cloud, boundless autumn moon.

载著一辆小怪手的无边货车。南靖糖厂。A small excavator on a freight car.

两仪四象浑无边。Two meters four likely muddy boundless.

照片应无边框。Photos should be printed without borders.

海,就是无边的苦难。The sea is the immensity of wretchedness.

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船漂流在茫茫无边的大海上。The ship was adrift on the boundless sea.

有才智的人面对广阔无边的宇宙也是一筹莫展。The mind boggles at the infinite universe.

让我给你另一个佛法无边的例子。I'll give you an example of power of Dharma.

永浴爱河,幸福无边,爱不厌倦。Totally happy always in love and never dull.

妻子不絮烦,丈夫乐无边。Husbands are in heaven whose wives scold not.

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因为「自我」乃是一个无边的海。For "self" is a sea boundless and measureless.

这就像一个丰富多彩和宽阔无边的风景。It is a landscape that is both rich and broad.

苦海无边,回头是岸。爱恨无期,放下得道。Hell at endless. Love hate life, put down word.

无边的蓝色薄雾让我的花园变得雾蒙蒙的。My garden was hazed over by endless mists of blue.

伴随着它的是一股无边无界之感。There's a sense of boundlessness that goes with it.

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既然铜、石、或大地、或无边的海。Since brass, nor stone, nor earth, nor boundless sea.

也就是说,那些无边的爱一丝一毫都没有留下。Ergo, no trace of either of those great loves remains.

此事在他身上的效果是无边的悲凉。The effect produced upon him was one of great sadness.