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他手脚摊开横躺在床上。He was sprawled full-length across the bed.

麦克梯格摊开那双生满老茧坚硬的手掌。Mcteague exhibited his hard, calloused palms.

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他摊开几份复印的天气图。He spread out several facsimile weather charts.

故事讲完了,西罗斯摊开一直摆放在孩子们面前的相册,说他要宣布一个重要消息。He told them he had some important news to share.

我们在地上摊开一条草垫作为临时床铺。We shook down a straw mattress as an improvised bed.

如果它是捲成一捲,我一定要把它摊开在地上。If it is on a roll, it must be unrolled on the floor.

他发现容美玲摊开在地板上。And he discovered Yung Mei Ling sprawled on the floor.

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克罗伊敦公爵仔细察看着一张摊开的埃索公路图。The Duke of Croydon proved over an opened Esso road map.

白还踢掉了凉鞋,四肢摊开躺在一个特罗姆瑟双层床上。Bai kicked off her sandals and sprawled out on a Tromso bunk bed.

我们把地图摊开来找从台北到宜兰的新路。We spread out the map to trace the new road from Taipei to Yilan.

她抬起头,若无其事的摊开手掌,掌心向上。She raised her head and nonchalantly extended her hand, the palm up.

她惬意地仰靠在坐椅上,膝上有一本摊开的书。She leaned back comfortably in her chair with a book open on her lap.

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他看着我,双手摊开在空气里,做出一个失败的手势。He looked at me, his hands sputtering in the air in a gesture of defeat.

历经四季更迭,一池素荷,摊开了美妙人生的盛宴。Through the seasons, a pool of Su, spread the wonderful life of the feast.

现在所有的牌都摊开了,兰多意识到他将一败涂地。With all the cards on the table, Lando realized that he was set up to lose.

士兵可以摊开一块塑胶,上面显示了即时的战情地图。A soldier might unfurl a sheet of plastic showing a real-time situation map.

在桌子上摊开许多的电子式垫子,就好像摊开纸一样。Spread many electronic pads around on the desk, just as you spread out papers.

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我发现摊开在桌上的冰冷的食物,也显然是昨晚的剩饭剩菜。I found a cold repast spread out, evidently the remnants of last night's dinner.

自从弗隆斯基跟安娜在福列达的花园里把事情摊开以后,他的思想发生了很大变化。Since the explanation with Anna in the Vrede Gardens Vronsky's ideas had changed.

如果你把一卷硬币全部摊开,你不会得到更多的硬币If you take a bunch of pennies and you spread them out, you don't get more pennies.