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别使你的鞋走样。Keep your shoes from losing shape.

反走样方法用在这里是无。The Anti-aliased Method used here is None.

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已经清理过的数据又开始走样了。And the data already cleansed start getting stale.

我可以向你保证这个耐穿且不走样。I can assure you it wears well and keeps its shape.

下面,你可以看到每个反走样方法的结果。Below, you can see the result with each Anti-aliased method.

它可以吸收最好的想法,然后将它最走样的执行。It can take the best idea and twist it into worst of shapes.

但是对我们中间身材走样的人来说,这可能是一种福利。And yet there lies a possible boon to the out-of-shape among us.

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由于这些伤痛的存在,原本顺畅的舞步很容易就走样成东倒西歪的动作。These injuries can easily turn smooth movements into choppy actions.

反走样技术是信号处理在光栅化过程中的应用。Anti-aliasing is the application of signal processing in rasterization.

如果人性本善,我们能将这份淳朴流传千年而不走样?If human nature were good, would we keep this up for thousands of years ?

反走样弧线和粗弧线使用线性分段近似来实现。A piecewise-linear approximation is used for antialiased arcs and thick arcs.

他觉得,复制品和仿制品在制作过程中是会走样的。He felt that replicas and fake products in the production process will lose shape.

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体重太轻、尾巴没有毛、身材走样,走路还一拐一拐的。Wilbur is underweight, has no tail feathers, a misshapen body and walks with a limp.

可以使装裱的字画达到防潮、长期保存、耐水、不走样、之目的。Its advantages include not worm-eating easily, water-proofing, and long term storage.

我们身材走样好几年了,但是那时我们努力在一星期之内减掉所有肥肉!We’ve been out of shape for several years, but then we try to get in shape in one week!

本文研究的主要内容是图形的反走样算法及其硬件模型研究。This paper introduces a kind of graph anti-aliasing algorithm and its implement by hardware.

去年的季前赛,本泽马世界杯之后回来体型走样只进了两球。The last preseason, Karim arrived out of shape after the World Cup and scored just two goals.

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如果你还不实现你的理想要求,那么使用习惯反走样选择。If you still do not achieve your desired requirements, then use the Custom Anti-Aliasing option.

作为女生我也认为时尚很重要,其实衣服穿一阵就会走样是很现实的问题。In my community, girls are buying new clothes every season, always losing interets in the old one.

我们做一个小的硬件反检查走样的可用性和最高质量的设置,我们可以。We do a little hardware checking for anti-aliasing availability and set the highest quality we can.