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对这些人将会怎样判刑?What sentence will they be given?

最后,这名劫匪被判刑3年。The hijacker was sentenced to 3 years.

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判刑应该更重。/判刑过轻。There should have been a heavier sentence.

他因入室抢劫被判刑18个月。He received an 18-month sentence for burglary.

凶手被判刑四十年,就此提出上诉。The murderer appealed his forty-year sentence.

直到2002年,几名男子才被判刑。It was not until 2002 that several men were convicted.

波兰斯基被判有罪,并于判刑前逃离美国。He was convicted and fled the US before he was sentenced.

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看到自己的孩子被判刑真叫人伤心。It is really heartrending to see his own child sentenced.

他们刚才一直在谈论对罪犯的判刑要从严。They had been talking of stiffer sentences for criminals.

已判刑罪犯均被褫选举投票。Convicted criminals are debarred from voting in elections.

那些认为何教授该被判刑的人真是可耻。Shame on those who think Professor Ho should be prosecuted.

你女儿和被判刑假释的男朋友到家里来。Your daughter shows up with her recently paroled boyfriend.

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罗杰被判刑的时候,我和希拉里陪着母亲出庭旁听。Hillary and I were in court with Mother when he was sentenced.

纳粹战犯因其灭绝人性的罪行而被判刑。The Nazi war criminals were condemned for crimes against humanity.

韩德利仍然免费等候尚未被判刑日期定。Handley remains free pending a yet-to-be scheduled sentencing date.

它亦可以被用来作为判刑的依据。It could also be used as evidence to substantiate prison sentences.

穆斯林活动人士之子被以偷漏税被判刑。Muslim Activist's Son Sentenced to Prison in China for Tax Evasion.

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被告已被定谋划杀罪并于下周判刑。The accused was convicted of murder and will be sentenced next week.

那些被军事法庭判刑的人应该被关押在军事监狱。Those convicted in military courts should be held in military prisons.

他最后因猥亵而被判刑后来被保释。He was eventually convicted on obscenity charges but was freed on bail.