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在其泛世俗化阶段,表现出一种繁缛富丽而丰富的艺术美感。At secularization stage, it displays the splendid rich artistic beauty.

从文字繁缛的文档迁移到可视化的文档是一条可行之路。One way is to shift from text heavy documentation to visual documentation.

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重新开始,将繁缛的细节去掉,使作品更加完美。Come back to it and make it more beautiful by whittling away the unnecessary.

江苏邳州车夫山汉墓是一座绘画内容繁缛、雕刻精美的画像石墓。Han Stone relief tomb in Chefushan Mt. , Pizhou was an elaborate , fancy-engraved tomb.

最后,某些进口产品在中国获准分销之前要经过繁缛的手续。Finally, certain imported products face burdensome requirements before they can be distributed in China.

越来越多地都会人开端摒弃繁缛奢华,力图具有一种天然平实地心境。More and more people began to abandon the city harassment luxury to have a natural and balanced state of mind.

我意思是你应该展现你真正的个性,从繁缛礼节框框中跳出来。I mean that you should express your REAL personality and steer away from standard polite and guarded conversations.

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城市发展和重建工作繁缛复杂,需要长期规划和政府投入。City development and re-development is a complex process, requiring many years of planning and government involvement.

还以线条的疏密繁缛、曲直、粗细、劲柔等,具有复杂多变的线条美。The line density and complexity shows the beauty of crooked and straight, size, flexibility with complex changing lines.

中国传统丧葬礼仪在全世界丧葬礼仪中最为繁缛,最为隆重,也最有特色。Chinese traditional funeral proprieties is of most overelaborated , most ceremonious and most characterized in the world.

然而,获得一张联邦枪支许可证的过程却极为繁缛,而结果是几乎没有飞行员获得过他们的许可证。However, the processes for getting a federal firearms license are extremely cumbersome, and as a result very few pilots have gotten their licenses.

同时乾隆追求满工,瓷器的图案多繁缛、艳丽,有的用金较多,感觉金碧辉煌。Simultaneously Qianlong pursues the full labor, the chinaware design is over elaborate, gorgeously , some are many with the gold, feels resplendently in gold and jade green.

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在长期的生活实践中,楚雄彝族妇女以织、绣、挑、贴等各种工艺手法创造了千姿百态、古朴纯正、繁缛华丽、疏密有致、典雅别致、色彩斑斓的图案纹样世界。During the long term life practice, The Chuxiong Yi nationality has created various, original, flowery, elegant and colorful design patterns by the way of twine, embroider and post etc.

较诸雍正时期的作品,乾隆瓶的天空、白云和奇石的描写较为繁缛,但二者口沿均饰一道回纹。The Qianlong vase, however has more heavily painted sky, clouds and rocks than on the Yongzheng vases, although it shares with the latter a minor band of squared spirals around the mouth.

春秋战国以下的两千年,在古人的文学观念中,主要倾向是重抒情而轻叙事,崇尚减省而反对繁缛。In the 2000 years from Spring and Autumn Period on, the general notion of the ancients is the tendency to stress lyric but slights narrative, and emphasizes economy while opposing elaboration.

“使用隐式多态实现每个具体类一张表”这种做法并不推荐,因为其配置过于繁缛、使用“any”元素的复杂关联语法和隐式查询的潜在危险性。“Table per Concrete Class using Implicit Polymorphism” is not recommended due to its verbose configurations, complex association syntax using “any” element and potentially dangerous implicit queries.