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同时兼营园艺花卉和健康食品等项目。While the corner of horticulture and health food items.

茶叶销售实现连锁经营,批零兼营。Tea sales to achieve chain operations, Piling and has sold.

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兼营培训手机维修学员。The concurrently camp training handset services the student.

你兼营的自己的小企业会很有利润。Your own small business on the side sounds pretty lucrative.

市场批零兼营,是张家口地区较大的商贸流通市场。Zero run the market is larger in Zhangjiakou area flow-commerce market.

另外兼营斜纹切布,生产制帽模具,和切布机配件。Denim Qiebu addition, production Hatting die, and cut Cloth accessories.

兼营玻璃批发,PVC中空板材批发,塑木系列产品等。Run wholesale glass, PVC hollow plate in the wholesale, wood products and so on.

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药品生产企业,是指生产药品的专营企业或者兼营企业。Drug manufacturers refer to enterprises exclusively or partly engaged in drug production.

北京地区代理普洱茶厂家直销,云南生产原地,批零兼营。Pu'er tea factory in Beijing direct sales agents, Yunnan production in situ, Piling And has sold.

山东率先放养柞蚕,制成茧绸,成为兼营桑柞的丝绸产区。It is shandong where wild silkworm was earliest reared and pongee as well as mulberry silks produced.

鼎诚小商品屋以经营小商品为主,兼营玉器、玛瑙、水晶、绿松石等饰品。Dingcheng Small Goods Web Store mainly sells small goods as well as jades, agates, crystals, turquoises , etc.

经营方式灵活,批零兼营,讲究信义,奉行顾客至上的原则。And flexible modes of operation Zero run, pay attention to faith and a commitment to the principle of customer first.

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可为客户定制各种非标冲床配件,兼营导轨磨,车床,线切割加工。Non-standard punch for custom parts. Concurrently rail grinding, lathe, wire cutting. And the lathe. Milling machine.

我公司是一家主营陈年普洱茶,兼营绿茶,茶包及香菇农产品的批发商。Our company is a main old Pu'er tea, they sell green tea, tea bags and mushroom wholesalers of agricultural products.

理货业务经营人不得兼营港口货物装卸经营业务和仓储经营业务。A tally business operator shall not engage in the business of loading and unloading of goods and storage concurrently.

增值税税收筹划应从增值税优惠政策和兼营、混合销售两个方面进行。The tax planning of value-added tax should be conducted in the preferential policies of value-added tax and mixed sales.

同时兼营金属及金属矿、纺织品、建材、机械设备及电子产品。Meanwhile we also sell Metal and Metal Ore, Fabrics, Building Materials, Machinery Equipment, Electronic Products and so on.

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工厂设有门店,批零兼营,并承接国内外品牌婚纱OEM订单!The factory has the gate shop, both wholesale and retail, and manages the domestic and foreign brand nuptial dress OEM orders!

目前,我国商业银行已经具备了兼营投资银行业务的外部环境与现实基础。Currently, our commercial banks have the good external environment of offering investment banking service and reality foundation.

这些可以集于一身贷款或付清,否则很快见成效但过多的债务可以兼营投资计划。These can be rolled into one loan and paid off quickly or otherwise paid off, but too many debts can sideline an investment plan.