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他们采用西式的婚礼。They had a western wedding.

那给我来西式早餐吧,双份。And the western style breakfast?

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探讨食用胶在西式火腿中的应用。Food gum's application in ham was studied.

面包和牛奶是典型的西式早餐。Bread and milk is typical western breakfast.

典型的西式早餐。Bread and milk are typical western breakfast.

水波蛋是西式早餐的常客。Poached egg is usually seen in western breakfast.

阁下对本酒店的西式自助早餐有何意见和建议?Do you have any suggestions about the western buffet?

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中国是对西式生活和思维的一个挑战。China is challenge for West-style of life and thinking.

你发现上西式厕所不舒服。You found out it's unconformable of using western toilet.

岗顶剧院,这座新古典主义风格的建筑是中国的第一所西式剧院。Dom Pedro V Theater was China's first Western-style theater.

你可以告诉我一些西式婚礼中的习俗吗?Can you tell me some of the customs involved with a Western wedding?

菜式是自助餐,西式为主,人均消费280元左右。Dishes are buffet, Western-based, per capita consumption of 280 yuan.

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雅致的西式别墅星星点点地掩映在热带植物丛中。Refined western-style villa pin-points covered in tropical plants bosk.

相信许多中国的观众都从电影中看过西式婚礼。Many Chinese audiences know the Western-style wedding from western films.

岗顶剧院,这座新古典主义风格的建筑是中国的第一所西式剧院。The neoclassic Dom Pedro V Theater was China's first Western-style theater.

以上二份各含水果沙拉,烤土司,西式汤,泡沫冰红茶。Including salad of fresh fruits, toast, soup and shaken foamy icy black tea.

我想问几个关于西式婚礼的问题。可以吗?I'd like to ask you a few questions about Western weddings. Is that all right?

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以上房价已包括服务费、政府税金及西式自助早餐。Above rates include service charge, government tax and American Daily Breakfast.

茗悦咖啡吧为客人提供丰饶的自助餐和西式美食。Ming Yue coffee bar is to provide rich buffet and Western-style food for guests.

求同“认为中西逻辑二者基本为一,即中国先秦时代的逻辑为西式的形式逻辑。The "find-identity" thought that the Chinese logic was the western formal logic.