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许多抱怨声将接踵而至。Much hand-wringing will ensue.

接踵而至就是滚滚而来的财富。Wealth often comes along with fame.

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当苍白的鬼魂接踵而至!While the pale sheeted ghosts go by!

有了名位,嫉妒和仇恨便接踵而至。After honor And state, follow envy And hate.

接踵而至的是大规模的炮战。Then had come the great battles of the artillery.

但是接踵而至的飓风导致资金不足。But after back-to-back hurricanes, it is running short on funds.

当我们正处于缺乏自信的时候,现在新的自信就接踵而至了。Where there has been a lack of confidence, a new confidence now ensues.

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一段可怕的内战时期和自相残杀的时期似乎接踵而至。A grisly period of internecine war and cannibalism seems to have followed.

如果土耳其政府与绝食抗议者继续僵持下去,更多葬礼将接踵而至。If the stand-off with hunger strikers persists, more funerals will follow.

这些代价高昂战争取得了胜利,但一挨硝烟散去,美国的麻烦就接踵而至。But the smoke of those Pyrrhic triumphs cleared to reveal America in trouble.

美国人对于接踵而至的债务清单手忙脚乱。Amid all this hand-wringing, Americans have kept piling on more and more debt.

因此,声讨声接踵而至,让“青年近卫军”和该政党都陷入了窘境。Outrage ensued, much to the embarrassment of both the Young Guard and the party.

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很快,我就收到了回信和电话,给我支持的短信也接踵而至。Ie-mailed them. I immediately hade-mails and phone calls and messages of support.

随后,一系列让人快乐却很耗时的事情接踵而至,打破了我的计划。Then a quick succession of happy but time-consuming events knocked me off course.

但是正如南乔治亚的阳光总是和冰风暴接踵而至一般,罐装蓝鲸油也不会经久不衰。But just as sun follows sleet in South Geor­gia, so it is with the oil-tank blues.

继2006-08年的食品和燃料危机之后,经济危机接踵而至。The economic crisis also comes on the heel of the food and fuel crisis of 2006-08.

但是大雨接踵而至。政府的官员就呼吁更多的志愿者来搬沙袋。But more rain is following and officials are asking for extra volunteer sandbaggers.

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显然,卜拉欣一家已经等了太久太久,可令他们绝望的事情总是接踵而至。It's clear that Brahim and his family waited too long, and now things are desperate.

亲人的死亡与上天的恩赐接踵而至,使我们悲喜交加。Bereavement and blessings , one following another , make us sad and blessed by turns.

是信徒们忘记了宗教的原旨,于是问题接踵而至。The followers went there forget the essence of religon then we * and we have problems.