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我已经被套牢了!I’m caught.

这已经过时了。It's obsolete.

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我已经四十六岁了。I am forty-six.

我已经敲过了。I have knocked.

罗比已经告诉我了。Robbie told me.

现在,我已经添加它了。I have added it.

我已经长大了!I have grown up!

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峊我已经准备好走了。I'm ready to go.

我已经三十八岁了。I’m thirty-eight.

他已经离开开封3年了。K. F for 3 years.

饭已经熟了。The rice is done.

它已经被埋藏了起来They were buried.

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我们已经走远。We have gone far.

他已经有几分醉意了。He is a bit tipsy.

我已经洗手不干了。I'm all washed up.

现在,我们菜已经上了灶头!Now we re cooking!

现在,我们菜已经上了灶头!Now we�re cooking!

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他肯定已经吃过饭了。He must have eaten.

我已经有男朋友了。I have a boyfriend.

原来我已经在八楼说过了…I have got so much.