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他是李贤德先生的兄弟。Li is a brother of Mr. Xiande Li.

贤德的妇女是她丈夫的冠冕。A Virtuous woman is a crown to her husband.

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从此我变得独立和贤德。I have since reclaimed my independence and virtue.

若父母亲憎恶我,还能尽孝,那才是真正贤德啊!If parents are hateful and cruel, then it's truly to be filial.

长得俊美是福气,但若具贤德的话则更有福气了。It is a blessing to be good-looking, but it is more so to be virtuous.

父母憎恶我而我仍然行孝,才是真正的贤德。When parents detest me, then it's truly virtuous to be good to parents.

你可以成为一位谨慎、端庄、贤德的女子,但这事非有恳切的努力不行。You may become a prudent, modest, virtuous girl, but not without earnest effort.

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即使最贤德的萨满也学习了术士的法术,并抛弃了他们曾经信奉的宗教。Even the wisest shaman learned warlock magics and abandoned the teachings they had once revered.

然而今天的世界不同于周公,人类并不需要被统治在某个贤德的大国之下。There is now no need, he says, as there was in the Duke of Zhou's day, for one predominant state.

听到此语的人都赞叹佩服,都说其比李卫公更贤德。To hear people praise the language of admiration, and said the public is more virtuous than the LI.

你可以成为一位谨慎、端庄、贤德的养鸡放羊,但这事非有恳切的努力不行。You may become a prudent, modest, virtuous girl, What goes around comes back around, but not without earnest effort.

然而,要从整个人类大家庭中遴选出同等数量的英明贤德之士绝非易举。But, out of the whole human family, it would not have been easy to select the same number of wise and virtuous persons.

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用这种方法,取胜以后,还可以反复运用,因而贤德的人都很重视这种方法。After they are victorious, their teachings could then again be employed. Thus the gentleman would value these teachings.

前面说到唐太宗有个贤德的长孙皇后,还有个直言敢谏的诤臣魏征。Earlier we mentioned that Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty had an honorable queen, Zhang Sun, as well as a blunt and loyal minister, Wei Zheng.

体现了中国文化中贤德宽容,自然朴质,淡泊明志的人格境界和婉约、含蓄、内敛,柔中寓刚的道德修养。Virtuous reflects the Chinese culture of tolerance, natural primitive, indifferent chi to the realm of personality and graceful, subtle and restrained, soft in the apartment just the Moral Education.