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山杏、杜梨则高抗。Mountain apricot, Duli pear were high resistant.

结果表明,春江06高抗白背飞虱。Results showed that CJ-06 was highly resistant to WBPH.

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高抗撕裂强度及高耐摩擦机能。Tear strength, high resistance and high friction function.

高抗剪切力,不会翘边,使用结构型离型纸。High shear retardant, no edge warp, using structural separating paper.

冬青属的木才具有高抗断裂强度,是制作后缘的理想材料。Holly has high tearing resistance and is excellent for trailing edges.

高抗剪切力,不会翘边,使用结构型离型纸。High shear resistance, no edge warp, using structural separating paper.

特种钢锁锭块,有超高抗冲击能力,可适用大负荷。Special steel locking segments, with ultra high resistance for heavy loads.

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高抗型的茎秆在抗倒性状明显优于其他类型。Results showed that high resistance type have an advantage over other types.

高抗秆、叶锈和根腐病、中抗赤霉病和穗发芽。Stem, leaf rust and antiflow rot, resistant genotypes and preharvest sprouting.

高抗病毒病,耐寒耐热性强,适宜温室大棚栽培。High virus, hardy heat-resistant strong, suitable for greenhouse trellis cultivation.

再以此为基体制得高自润滑性和高抗磨性的聚甲醛共混合金复合材料。At the same time the self lubrication and wear resistance for above composite was improved.

氟石膏粉煤灰胶结材可用于制造新型墙体制品,也可作为微膨胀剂配制高抗渗性混凝土。A new binder is prepared with fluorgypsum and fly ash which both are industrial waste residue.

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高抗硫酸盐水泥深层搅拌桩是进行盐渍土地区软基处理的一种有效形式。Super sulfate resistant cement deep layer mixing pile is effective form of soft base treatment.

虽然同轴布线很难安装,它是高抗信号干扰。Although coaxial cabling is difficult to install, it is highly resistant to signal interference.

选择了高抗中性点小电抗和线路接地刀闸的参数。The parameters of neutral reactor for HV shunt reactors and the line ground switch are selected.

诸如高抗冲击性、高硬度以及优美的外观都是提升最终产品价值的关键因素。Characteristics such as high impact, toughness and good surface appearance are key value drivers.

用它做的细线具有高抗拉强度、高抗腐蚀性和无磁等特性。It also displays high tensile strength in fine sizes, high corrosion resistance and is nonmagnetic.

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高抗冲聚苯乙烯产品需要熟悉少见的特质每个应用程序和组件。HIPS products require uncommon familiarity with the idiosyncrasies of each application and component.

这种行之有效的方法在设计现代高抗振性机械设备中有广泛的应用前景。It is clear that the newtechnique will be used widely during the design of high anti-vibration devices.

通过液液分配方法,选择具有最高抗真菌活性成分的溶剂作为地肤子粗提取剂。Liquid liquid extraction method was used for the selection of the better antifungal inhibition solvent.