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授予访问映像的权限。Grant access to the image.

抱歉,您在本论坛没有浏览权限。This forum is powered by Phorum.

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基于角色权限查找过程Role-based permission lookup process

基于角色权限查找的范例A role-based permission lookup example

每个设计器均可设置有权限。Privileges can be set on each designer.

服务器隐含地具有这种权限。The server has this privilege implicitly.

您是否拥有足够的安装权限?Do you have sufficient authority to install?

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这种行为无疑就是一种权限的行为。This act is indubitably an act of authority.

网站已请求客户程序验证其权限。The site has requested client authentication.

但他们仅具有只读访问权限。However, they will have only read-only access.

用户的权限数据保存在哪里?。Are any default phpBB permissions founder only?

用户实际获得的访问权限是编辑访问权。The effective access the user will get is edit.

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授予和撤销对单独文件的访问权限Granting and revoking access to individual files

主要实现多用户登录,多权限管理!Major multi-user login, multi-rights management!

提供节点间无密码的根访问权限Providing passwordless root access between nodes

是的,要删除一个文件,您需要写权限。Yes, you need write permission to delete a file.

可以向特定用户授予有限访问权限。You could grant limited access to certain users.

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裁定部长的行为在权限范围内。The minister's action is ruled to be intra vires.

主要实现多用户登录,多权限管理!Major multi-user login, rights management and more!

每组中有三个可能的权限。There are three possible permissions in each group.