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破财消灾是一个选择。One option is to give their money away.

不过我得这样想,破财免灾吗。But I have to think so, avoid disaster poorer.

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因为这一改变,农民致富了,浪漫的男士却要“破财”了。A change, then, from making rich but romantic men poorer.

被人记在心里是甜蜜的,但是被人遗忘却屡屡可免破财之烦。It's sweet to be remembered, but it's often cheaper to be forgotten.

在美国“破财消灾”后,东芝去年底在自身的网站上提供免费下载的“补丁”软件。By the end of last year, after paying the US consumers, Toshiba put up free.

反之,破财的动机年夜概会加重人的肉体或心理疾苦。Conversely, thoughts of monetary loss may enhance physical or psychological pain.

这一天也不能往外泼水倒垃圾,怕因此破财。The day is also cannot go toward outside splashed out the garbage, afraid so poorer.

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最令人惧怕的是会造成永久破财的毁谤官司。The most feared punishment is the defamation lawsuit which can result in permanent financial ruin.

这则简单扼要的家常便饭之事,就足以说明生活中存在很多方法与技巧,一不小心就会破财。This simple routine matter, is enough to note the existence of life in many ways and skills, will accidentally Pocai.

只有当她已被迫屈服而作为一种必然破财免灾时,默克尔才有特许权。Whenever she has been forced to yield ground, Mrs Merkel has justified the concession only as a necessity to avert disaster.

通常如果火星在你们的第八宫的时候你会破财或者引发例如涉及到一项承诺的纠纷或者离婚纠纷。Usually having Mars in the eighth house as you will have forces up expenses or could cause arguments, say, over a commission or a divorce settlement.

另外由于这天是“扫把星”的生日,正月初一要注意不能动用扫帚,也不要丢垃圾,否则就会扫走运气、破财。Also, it is the birthday of "broom", so it is taboo to use broom or take out trash, otherwise, you might sweep away good fortunes and suffer financial losses.

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可以观察到的是,生产鞭炮的风险肯定大于农业,一旦出险,不仅要破财,而且还会赔进人命。In my observation, firework industry has obviously greater risks than agriculture does since one risk would not only drive the producers to go bust but take human lives.

春节期间也不要杀生,因为见血也是一个不祥的恶兆,会招致破财,或者刀伤,及大的伤病。No killing. Killing in the Spring Festival should be avoided as blood is considered an ill omen, which will cause misfortunes such as a knife wound, or a bloody disaster.

值得注意的是,若把水龙头、饮水机和金鱼缸等错布置在衰位,不但不能带来财气,还可能引起破财。It is worth noting that if the taps, drinking fountains and gold fish, such as arranged in the long wrong place, not only can not bring wealth, but also may lead to losing.

同声,所以缩小了输配内中中的寒热耗散等破财,环路的热破财也比通例空调零碎要小得多。Simultaneous, so narrowing the distribution of cold and heat dissipation within the other or even bankruptcy, bankruptcy loop hot air than the general rule is much less fragmented.

在美国“破财消灾”后,东芝去年底在自身的网站上提供免费下载的“补丁”软件。By the end of last year, after paying the US consumers, Toshiba put up free "patch" software on its website for users of its notebooks to download as a remedy for the floppy-disk drive malfunction.

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昂贵的律师费、耗费的时间和精力、双方的激烈对峙让很多人精神崩溃,到头来既破财,又心焦。The high costs of lawyers, the time and energy required, the acrimony between the two parties have knocked out many litigants who left the court room exhausted bearing emotional and financial scars.