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苦味植物,苦艾。To make bitter in flavor.

他一尝那苦味,做了个怪相。He grimaced at the bitter taste.

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这药有苦味。The medicine has a bitter taste.

苦味有益于胃。Bitters are good for the stomach.

有些啤酒和巧克力有苦味。Some beer and chocolate taste bitter.

烘烤大批的苦味黑面包。Bake big batches of bitter brown bread.

我搁了莱姆,苦味配料,没搁糖。I put lime, bitters and no sugar in it.

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苦味的酿制饮料是普遍的食补方法。Stewed brews are common medicinal dishes.

苦味通常就是有轻微的腐烂。Bitterness is often a sign of a mild rancidity.

配合曼特宁的苦味,巴西的香味,深得咖啡人士的钟爱。With the Mandeling's bitter and Brazil's aroma.

要适当多吃一些苦味的食物,如苦瓜等。Due to some bitterness eat food, such as bitter gourd.

好像伤没有收口,苦味在舌间。Like unhealed wound, the bitterness still can be tasted.

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制剂口服或者加水冲服,苦感减少或无苦味。The preparation is orally taten and has less or no bitter.

他们喜欢很咸的奶酪,因为它有强烈的苦味。B. They like high-salt cheese as it has intense bitter taste.

蓓蕾也许有苦味,可花朵却是甜蜜的。The bud may have a bitt er taste, but sweet will be the flower.

它还是白酒苦味或涩味的主要来源之一。It is also one of the main sources to bitterness and acerbity of liquor.

对于口味超重的人,下列哪项比较适用于苦味?Which of the following applies to supertasters in terms of bitter taste?

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生命到了他嘴里只有苦味,沉闷而愚蠢,难以忍受。Life was intolerably dull and stupid, and its taste was bad in his mouth.

如果您喜欢中午,夏天,热,苦味和红色的颜色。If you prefer mid-days, summer, heat, bitter flavors and the color of red.

它又是最聪明的疯狂,哽喉的苦味,吃不到嘴的蜜糖。It is the wisdom of madness, choking bitterness, it does not tip of honey.