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人要有空间才能怡然自得。One needs space to be oneself.

牛羊骏马在这里怡然自得。Cattle, sheep and horses graze leisurely.

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她会很舒服的闭上眼睛,怡然自得。She will close the eyes comfortably, cozily.

而且卢武铉自己真的也不太怡然自得。Yet Mr Roh was also ill at ease with himself.

他怡然自得的心情渐渐消失了。His mood of contentment was beginning to lapse.

她一人在花园里也很怡然自得。She also delectated herself greatly in the garden.

我不会因为这是最后一个赛季就怡然自得。I'm not going to overenjoy it just because it might be my last.

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当我们等待一个赞许的微笑或点头的时候,他们将怡然自得得继续他们的生活。And whilst we wait for a smile or a nod, they will carry on living their lives.

要碰到一个不象谢尔顿那样心神贯注的人,就可以注意到,他的声音里有一种怡然自得的意味。Some one less absorbed than shelton might have noticed a kind of relish in his voice.

两个外来务工者在大桥上纳凉,怡然自得的表情些许反映出他们日渐提高的社会地位。The self-assurance of migrant workers cooling off on a bridge reflects their rising status.

浥湖诗表达出诗人怡然自得的生活情趣和超然旷达的人生态度。Yonghu-poetry expressed the feelings of happy and pleased with oneself and attitude towards life.

你只有相信自己所做的是伟大的工作,你才能怡然自得。如果你现在还没有找到,那么继续找、不要停下来。And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle.

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我看着它卷着青草在膝盖上拍打,为大象式的怡然自得、意定神闲的气场所笼罩。I watched him beating his bunch of grass against his knees, with that preoccupied grandmotherly air that elephants have.

漫随天外云卷云舒”,他们虽然不懂得什么叫做经济发展、什么又是GDP增长,但足他们却享受着怡然自得的生活。Even though they didn't know what economy development is and how the GDP could increase, they enjoy themselves naturally.

开始的时候,单位的同事常有些怨言,后来竟如他一般的怡然自得了。At the beginning of his colleagues, often some complaints, and later even as he generally be happy and pleased with oneself.

晚上他一个人睡得很差劲,此刻他大白天在草地上打盹儿,怡然自得,舒舒服服,得其所哉。He sleeps badly at nights, alone , and drowses now on the grassy breadth of day, idly blissful, snug on the right side at last.

朋友们都说这地方阴森可怕,晚上很少有人敢来找我,我则怡然自得。My friends, calling this place too ghastly, seldom dared to come to see me in the evening whereas I myself found it quite agreeable.

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佞人环绕且有海外存款的穆加贝衣食无忧、怡然自得,他很可能做出同样的事来。Mr Mugabe, sycophant-surrounded and with his own foreign-currency wallet, is short of neither bread nor baubles, and may do the same.

烈日下,一老翁坐在岸边,两眼一动不动的盯着河面的浮标,从日出到日落,依然两手空空,老翁却怡然自得,乐在其中。Under the scorching sun, an old man sat by the bank staring at the buoy on the river. From dawn to dusk he still got nothing in his hands.

舒缓的曲线形态将天花、立面与局部的坐席包裹起来,形成了如同洞穴般的空间,暗示了内向、闲适的氛围,在快节奏的超市环境中怡然自得。The panels wrap around interior facade, ceiling and part of seating area, form a cave-like space and evoke a calm and introverted atmosphere.