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汤姆,你的升学考试怎么样?Tom, how was your entrance exam?

如果我通过了升学考试我将去上大学。I'll go to college if I pass the Matriculation Exam.

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我花费了很多时间准备升学考试。I spent much time in preparing for the entrance exam.

我花了几个月的来大学升学考试。I studied several months for the college entrance exam.

弗兰克正在焦急等待着他的升学结果。Frank was sweating out the results of his entrance examination.

上中学的女童很少,再继续升学的就更少了。Too few girls attend secondary school and even fewer go beyond.

让我们为今年参加升学考试的孩子们祈祷。Let's pray for the children who will take entrance exams this year.

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在一些国家的升学考试中,语言能力始终作为一项测试内容。Verbal ability is always tested in admission exams in some countries.

诸位家长,我也是升学主义之下的产物,你们有没有看出来?Of you parents, I am also a product under exam, you have not read out?

我本希望上大学,但我没有通过升学考试。I had expected to go to college, but I failed in the entrance examination.

走在升学主义的路上,就连阳光下的影子也在做着白日梦。Walk in the way of credentialism, even in the shadow of the sun are daydreaming.

你有冇子女系香港以外既地方,包括中国,升学或者生活?Do you have any children living or studying overseas, including the Mainland China?

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文月学园是按照升学考试的成绩严格分班。Man On Campus entrance examination results in accordance with the strict placement.

升学压力,亲友关系,甚至连45度仰望星空都不矫情。Academic pressure, family relations, and even 45-degree evenings are not hypocritical.

大学升学考试就要到了,你应当知道你准备得如何。The college entrance examinations are drawing near, and you should know where you are.

2004年武汉市初中升学考试将对报考重点高中的学生进行口语测试。Oral tests will be held among the students who are going to the key senior high schools in 2004.

他想到北平去升学,可是父亲悲叹说,再也供不起他的学费啦。When he wished to continue his studies in Peiping, his father ruefully showed him his empty purse.

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结果发现,初一新生普遍存在升学准备不足的状况。The result indicated that most of primary school leavers had the deficiencies of primary-secondary.

社会发展为技校生创造的升学机会。Third, the social development creates opportunities of further study for technical schools students.

家境的贫寒、升学的压力,鞭策着我们的内心,哪管它前路泥泞坎坷荆棘丛生。The family circumstances poverty, academic pressure, spur our heart, which pipe it dusty thorny road.