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我在太原做了刀削面。I got to make sliced noodles in Taiyuan.

由此可见刀削面在大同的魅力真的令人叹为观止。This shows of noodles in datong charm really amazing.

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刀削面是山西、陕西一带尤为出名的小吃之一。Sliced noodles are a famous Shanxi and Shaanxi snacks.

小南街刀削面、老柴家刀削面等。Traditional street of noodles, old wood house of noodles, etc.

他说自己的外号是“刀削面”,你想认识她吗?He said that his nickname is "Toshomen, " you want to know her?

口感溜滑的刀削面是山西最受欢迎的面条。And slippery shaved noodles are the most popular of Shanxi's noodles.

明洞最有名的食品是炸猪扒和刀削面。Myeong-dong's most famous food is fried pork chop and sliced noodles.

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我去吃一碗大碗的刀削面,另外再加一个鸡蛋和两块的牛肉。I went to eat a bowl of noodles in a bowl, add another one egg and two beef.

在山西各地的刀削面中,最知名的莫过于大同的刀削面。In Shanxi Province, the noodles all over the most famous way of datong noodles.

好。看来拉面、刀削面是吃不成了,一碗都太多了。OK. Let's not order the sliced or hand-pulled noodles since there is a lot in each serving.

人们常说和刀削面对你的眼睛和嘴巴来说都是一场盛宴。People often say shaved noodles are as much a feast for your eyes as they are for your mouth.

刀削面是山西人民日常喜食的面食,因其风味独特,驰名中外。Noodles is shanxi people daily like to eat, because the pasta unique flavor, at home and abroad.

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推荐烤猪排、烤牛肉、冷面、石锅拌饭、刀削面等。My favorite dishes here include roast pork rib, roast beef, cold noodles, Bibimbap, and sliced noodles.

听说,最繁华的时候这个店一天就用掉18袋白面,卖出2500碗刀削面。It is said that, the most busy this shop with a day off 18 bag white wheat flour, sold 2500 bowl of noodles.

中餐常有刀削面、拉面、水饺、锅贴、小笼包、肉饼、炒面、炒饭,还有馄饨。Chinese food is often served with Sliced noodles, hand-pulled noodles, dumplings, fried dumplings, steamed buns, meat pies, fried noodles, fried rice, and wonton.

其中“东关刀削面”是大同刀削面里最知名的一家,很多外地主人宁可舍弃大鱼大肉的奢华宴席,也要来这里专门品味。The "pillow talk of noodles" is the most famous in datong noodles a, a lot of nonlocal guest would abandon big fish big meat of luxurious banquet, also want to come here special taste.