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用同一把刀将鱼肚这里改一下刀。Using the same knife, shape the skinless fillet into a rectangle.

海参、鱼肚、鱿鱼均必须发透至软。Sea cucumber, fish maw, squid must be made transparent to the soft.

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京都的武士很少,因此那里是从鱼肚片开鳗鱼。In Kyoto, where there were fewer samurai, it is filleted along the belly.

鱼肚用水浸软,飞水,压乾水份,切段。Soak dried fish maw in water until soft. Scald and squeeze out water. Section.

由于我心情好,所以胃口都特别好,吃了很多食物,尤其是那鱼肚豆腐羮,是我的最爱啊!As I am in a good mood, I ate a lot of food, of which the tofu soup was my favourite.

在店员操起短刀剖开鱼肚,拽出泛着湿气的米黄色内脏丢进了桶里。The man slit the creature’s belly with a short knife, spilling the dewy beige guts into a bucket.

他将膝盖压在鱼身上,从鱼头一直到尾巴,沿着背脊往鱼肚的边缘切下一条条深红色的鱼肉。He put one knee on the fish and cut strips of dark red meat longitudinally from the back of the head to the tail.

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鲍、参、翅、肚“,都是珍贵的海味,而鲍鱼列在海参、鱼翅、鱼肚之首。"Bao, the senate, wing, belly", is precious, seafood, and abalone listed in the sea cucumber, shark's fin, the cut.

以小碗盛住,上汤中泡浸�鸡件、鱼肚、北菇和鲍鱼仔。" Chicken with fish maw", chicken parts , fish maw, mushrooms and small abalones soaked in chicken broth . Have a sip!

将冬菇、鱼肚及珍珠笋放煨料内煨纫15分钟至入味,隔水。Bring braising ingredients to the boil, lower mushrooms, fish maw and baby sweet corn, and simmer for 15 minutes. Drain.

约拿三日三夜在大鱼肚腹中,人子也要这样三日三夜在地里头。For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

现在清洗刚抓到的新鲜鱼,刮去鱼鳞,切开鱼肚,清除内脏,而后用清水冲洗鱼,并在鱼上擦盐。Now clean the freshly caught fish. Cut off the scales and cut open the stomach. Remove everything inside. Then wash the fish in clean water and rub salt into them.

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应用本法从鲟鱼肚及鲟鱼内脏提取的鱼油含有大量的不饱和脂肪酸,脂肪酸的不饱和程度与咸海卡拉白鱼接近,明显高于淡水养殖鱼类,是加工鱼油的良好来源。Very close ratio of unsaturated fatty acids were obtained in viscera, abdomen of sturgeon and muscle of Chalcalburnus chalcoides aralen, which were higher than in muscle of fresh water fish.